View Full Version : DataFlex 2023 Testing

  1. Welcome to the DataFlex 2023 Testing Forum!
  2. All OK so far
  3. Output panel glitchy on first compiles
  4. cSQLExecutor and DF language
  5. Error_Info_Object Compile error
  6. Fun with Query Tester
  7. A question on Parameters in the new cSQLExecutor
  8. 23.0 vs 2023
  9. codejock changes
  10. Installer bug
  11. cSQLExecutor question
  12. Flextron
  13. cSQLExecutor - psConnectionId
  14. Can't install
  15. Please, please give us transparency 🙏
  16. FlexTron web components in a Windows App - Server-vs-Client side
  17. SQL Handling
  18. SQL Query Edit Window
  19. SQL Issue
  20. Issue with Include_Text
  21. Type on Help and CodeSence
  22. SQLC ColumnInfo
  23. Install the DataFlex Reports Library with 2023
  24. Struct generator duplicating columns for joins
  25. SQLExececutor Date Params
  26. Error_Info_Object (Obsolete)
  27. Installation Error: Double slash (\\Bin) in DFPath and SystemDFPath
  28. Query Tester broke
  29. SQLExecutor Question
  30. Flextron Development
  31. FlexTron First observations
  32. FlexTron Resource
  33. Weird Display Artefacts
  34. PDFViewer and FlexTron
  35. PDF Viewer Testing
  36. Flextron Mixed DataEntry
  37. OwnerSetSyncProp giving illegal datatype conversion error.
  38. Studio Continue button and Current project combo
  39. Is CreateNamed broken?
  40. OnSqlPreExecute (cSqlExecutor). It would be nice if ...
  41. Combo list not opening under the combo
  42. The web property system is not ready
  43. How it is supposed to work tabulation?
  44. Is taking the focus the right object?
  45. Accessibility question / screen readers
  46. Insert a valid record, loop
  47. Web calendar clipped
  48. ApplyDynamicProps error (cWebDynamicObjectContainer)
  49. tNameValuePair issue
  50. cSqlExecutor Usage
  51. Dashboard not updating when project changed
  52. piSqlAffectedRows
  53. Studio crash
  54. WinSuggestion Bug
  55. FreezeColumn :: cCJGrid
  56. Multi-Line Issue
  57. CK Drivers
  58. Parameterized Queries
  59. Class Palette Icons
  60. New alpha?
  61. WebList Combo Clipped
  62. Flextron crashing the studio
  63. GridRefresh Error
  64. ContextMenu in DF_Material
  65. API for customizing default context menu (Grids/Lists)
  66. SQL Drivers
  67. DB2 CK Driver Support for OEM database
  68. File Appearance 265 - WebAppServerProps
  69. DF2023 + CodeJock v22
  70. CodeJock Visual Themes
  71. psPlaceHolder Alignment Issue
  72. Include_Text vs Include_Resource
  73. DataFlex 2023 Alpha 2 released!
  74. Alpha 2
  75. WebApp path mismatch (Studio 23.0 Alpha)
  76. HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
  77. YAFR: Quick migration option for libaries
  78. For_All error
  79. First attempt on FlexTron and failed
  80. FlexTron Class Palette issue ?
  81. RegisterNavigateForwardPath
  82. SQLExecDirect broken?
  83. Undo crashing
  84. IsNumeric
  85. OnSyncWebApp
  86. Dynamic Objects Naming Conflict
  87. WinSuggestion Bug 2
  88. Printing from cWebView2Browser
  89. Create New ....
  90. psVirtualHostName in cLocalWebControlHost
  91. WebColumn Combo Clipped
  92. Windows Suggestion List Clipped
  93. Uncompiled expression in Seed_List
  94. (CurrentDateTime())
  95. Query Tester can't set paramaters
  96. Flextron exits on any error
  97. cLocalWebAppHost login framework?
  98. cWebList MoveToFirstRow OnChangeCurrentRow
  99. peLabelPosition
  100. Quick Array Append
  101. YAFR: DataTypeToJson property to ignore / skip unintialised elements
  102. Flextron and Message_Box
  103. cWebTags pbAllData
  104. 64.exe and Import STudio Preferences
  105. cWebList FindInDD
  106. DataFlex 2023 Beta 1 Released!
  107. ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
  108. WebList Grouping
  109. First Look at web grid layout
  110. SQl Executor doesn't recognize synonyms
  111. Uninstalling Alpha 2
  112. Great video course
  113. B1 - WebGridLayout - is Responsive as well ?
  114. FlexTron sample need reindexing
  115. cSQLExecutor.pkg needs more uses
  116. For_all Error
  117. Comiler error Beta
  118. FlexTron WebLits
  119. Include_Text question
  120. Display Issue
  121. Grid Layout Question
  122. Grid layout snap to grid
  123. cWebList in a cWebGroup, both with pbFillHeight set to True
  124. NavigateToStateHash
  125. Grid Layout cWebControl
  126. cWebList Grouping comment
  127. WebForm Row/Column -1
  128. Generated SQL Structure name
  129. SQLExecutor and VarChar(Max)
  130. Fix cWebDynamicObjectContainer height
  131. SelStart cWebEdit/Form
  132. Function with ambiguous return type is now an error
  133. cWebEdit links
  134. Error in cWebGrid
  135. WebList height in rows
  136. View Table
  137. SQLPrepare gives ACCESS_VIOLATION error
  138. cWebTagsForm allows readonly input
  139. cWebTabContainer height reduced to almost zero
  140. cWebMultiSelectList suggestions
  141. cSQLExecutor :: psDriverID
  142. FlexTron Container Issue
  143. How to stop TextBox label being copied
  144. cWebMenuList Drag Support Request
  145. Flextron Charts.
  146. DataFlex 2023 Client Installer
  147. Add grouping to custom grid contect menu
  148. Error in Studio
  149. Describe this.event callmode in the doc please
  150. DataFlex 2023 Beta 2 Released!
  151. Import Actrive control
  152. Import Studio Setting
  153. cSQLExecutor not honouring RedirectConnectionId?
  154. DF2023: Graphics Library Error within cGDIImageEncoders.pkg
  155. 2023 Beta 2 studio is slow
  156. pbAutoColumnSizing does not work properly
  157. Create New
  158. Help update
  159. DataFlex Web Application Server 23 availability
  160. Bugs Fixed & IMprovements Implemented in DataFlex 23.0
  161. piBrowserTimezoneOffset Property
  162. cWebAppBasic project raises compiler errors with new cWebErrorHandler.pkg
  163. Unable to test SPLF with Serial 5001
  164. Did Beta 2 break cWebMultiSelectList?
  165. Problem resolution panel problem
  166. 2023 beta 2 studio design view ActiveX error 64-bit
  167. Bug in help for "Embedded Quotes"?
  168. Workspace with FlexTron app does not auto-update javascript engine
  169. Super class for 'df.WebMuliSelectList' must be defined first ('df.WebList')
  170. FlexTron, DAWGrids throw up a about:blank#blocked dialog
  171. cWebList inside a Dynamic cWebAccordionContainer - display problem
  172. Df_field_sql_column_name
  173. Order Entry Tab WS Missing from BETA 2
  174. CJ xtpThemeOffice2016 missing top border
  175. Further WebList display woes
  176. WebList Grouping - the minorest of minor suggestions...
  177. Error 4402: current record does not match psCurrentRowId
  178. Question about cSQLExecutor
  179. Beta 2 Update behaviour change? (scrolling)
  180. Web dialogs height
  181. Floatable Toolbars in Studio
  182. SQLExecutor and zero dates
  183. Flextron and console log
  184. DateTimeToString
  185. WebDrag/Drop and new row in cWebGrid
  186. piStartAtChar :: cTagsForm
  187. Trivial Request (I hope)
  188. Difference between previous version
  189. SQLExecutor Problem
  190. cWebIframe No Attributes
  191. WebList Groups
  192. Web services with Date and DateTime
  193. DataFlex 2023 Release Candidate Available!
  194. Registration Codes
  195. [BUG] Issues with FlexTron and pbTabbedWorkspaces (Web and Windows Mix) DF 2023 RC1
  196. FlexTron. Call Windows View in OrderMobile.src
  197. Is CountArray broken in DF23?
  198. Flextron Theme
  199. Web Column Parent Combo
  200. WebApp and SQLExecutor
  201. SQL C odesense issue
  202. [EVENT] Join the Discover DataFlex 2023 livestream on July 6th!
  203. Responsive Rules
  204. RTF Toolbar
  205. Include_text Question2
  206. DataFlex icons with version numbers
  207. SQL executor limitations
  208. Include_Text in subfolder?
  209. DataFlex 2023 Released - Download now!
  210. How to distinguish new Comment syntax "/* - */" to old school DF 23 /Page and /* ?
  211. Grid Layout
  212. FLexCom Compiler Error in DF23
  213. Calculation different behaviour since 23.0
  214. DAW Please Read. This warrants a patch!
  215. CodeJock Help Broken
  216. BUG: DF_FILE_CHANGED Attribute being set to TRUE when moving same value to the file buffer
  217. BUG: DB2_DRV: Setting any TABLESPACE to blank crashes the studio and creates an invalid INT file
  218. Studion Error
  219. SQL Executor does not return UniqueIdentifier in string
  220. repeatedly moving DF19.1 dev folders to DF2023
  221. Openfile dialog crash with skin Windows 10
  222. Unable to launch the Initalize WebApp Wizard
  223. cSQLExecutor Performance Issue
  224. SQL Tester - Studio Crashes - Out of Memory
  225. Updates available for DataFlex 2022 and 2023!
  226. DAW: Why the need to reboot to reinstall DF23?
  227. Cannot find installed product for the license
  228. Diskfree command not working.
  229. Fill_Field DF_HIGH issue
  230. Project icons suggestion
  231. DataFlex 2023 Testing Forum Closing Soon!
  232. DF19.1 to DF2023 64-bit Unicode
  233. cSQLExecutor :: tSQLColumnInfo needs more information
  234. Missing Examples
  235. Procedure OnSQLPostExecute String sSQLQuery
  236. Studio does exits ..
  237. Direct_input clipboard crashes when clipboard is empty