- Welcome to the DataFlex 2022 Testing Forum!
- Resize
- Codejock version?
- First look
- DateTime To Variant
- Multiline string gotchas
- Compiler hangs when dealing with old multiline string
- cTagsEdit.pkg
- WebView2 deployment
- WebView2 cache management
- SignDataFlexProjectExe.exe
- Unkillable WinPrintViewer.exe
- Suggestion; drag handle
- Studio Current project combo
- Argument_Size
- Suggestion: Tagsform delimiter
- Warning on use of Get_Argument_Size
- Workspace migration 19.1 to 22
- Codejock help book missing
- Win 11 Comctl32.exe
- windows 11 Segoe Fluent Font
- ToDo or not ToDo - that is the Question
- Feature Request: ToDos at the end of lines with code
- Codejock missing XTPThemes
- WAS - Thanks for the new metrics
- Unable to Sign 64-bit App
- Precompile SignTool Error
- Suggestion: Better Way to Sign Apps
- cjGrid Focus Cell Rectangle
- SEQ_CHNL.pkg Private Functions
- range is SC013
- Embedded SQL funny chars
- Install and Panda Adaptive Defense 360
- JsonToDataType not working as in DF19
- GetCookie doen't work as in DF19
- New Release: DataFlex 2022 Beta 1 - get it now!
- Windows 10 theme in DataFlex 2022
- cWebFileUploadMixin.pkg
- cWebMenuButton and Material Theme
- Code completion not working on semi-colon broken lines
- Help error
- Sort order changed
- Find & Replace in multiple files
- Ambiguous Function Clarification needed
- Bug in cClientWebService.pkg, does not handle generated code with C_Nillable
- Order Entry - Button sample doesn't appear
- Global Function not playing nice
- DataFlex 2022 Beta 2 released – get it now!
- is the studio install signed differently?
- Find in Files results.
- Multi-line strings
- psPlaceholder and pbShowPlaceholderOnFocus
- Tooltip error
- Major improvement, very happy
- Registering dataflex 2022
- DF20 functions
- psPlaceholder for (db)TextEdit
- pbAcceptDropFiles / OnFileDropped
- Enable LABEL properties for CJGRIDs
- Recnum table conversion
- Error Meta-Data Inserind
- Not sure if this is new (or indeed real <g>)
- Issues with cTagsForm
- Add IsTrapped to the ErrorSystem Class
- SSL in help please
- Unhandled Studio Error (DD Designer)
- Convert to Managed Connections?
- Precompile
- DataFlex 2022 Release Candidate available – get it now!
- Change log for B2 to RC
- cTagsForm.pkg (2) - External reference to class 'ErrorSystem'. . .
- Windows 3.1 Reference in DF 2022
- WebContextMenu could not find a element
- Studio Abort in windows 11 - bug
- RC Help What New
- new psConnectionAppName property - request to expand it!
- cWebList Footer
- Type on whars new
- Dark Theme icons - Behavior
- Error 4430, not translated to portuguese
- WebAppDesigner not working
- External Reference missing
- Wsdl error
- cWebMenuButton, bug in display mechanism
- Error_Object_Id vs ghoWebErrorHandler vs Error_Info_Object
- ToDo: Describe call mode and a few more questions
- Problem with UCharArrayToWString
- DataFlex 2022 Release Candidate 2 available – get it now!
- Columnwidth different in Studio and Application
- Undefined command UWide
- New pasBrowserLanguage property is blank during ValidateSession
- Studio local values
- Studio settings from 20.0 to 20.1 not ported
- Double slash when editing local variable
- Redefining function return type for GET_DFGETDFCOLOR with INTEGER (first defined as UINTEGER)
- Corrupted WepApp Logfile - Prevents app starting
- Zerofile obselete
- Urgent! Invalid date or time error
- Numeric keyboard on android phones hides
- YAFR: right click in Object Explorer
- Problems with using the overlap field.
- Hiding and showing columns in DF20.1
- Mariadb: Can't set identity on creating of table
- Internal Compiler Error
- Building an index in the studio
- ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
- Studio stopped working (Invalid date)
- Studio error after KB5011543 update
- DD_Global_Validation_Prompt_Object
- Server Action Security Check Error - on cWebSuggestionForm
- Eval expires in 3 days
- Drag&Drop from dynamicOject
- Editing in the studio is compromised, when it contains two emoji on the same line.
- DataFlex 2022 Released – Download Now!
- error 4381 moving Struct fierld to variables
- exe size in 20.1
- Can't Find Registration File Error 12321
- Field_Defaults procedure DF2022
- Winprint error
- Web property initial date issue
- Studio debug toolbar - tooltip on Run (very minor display issue)
- problem with chttptransfer
- UCharArrayToString unicode conversion
- Struct declaration in .src file generate error 4391 in Df 20.1 but works in previous versions.
- Making a point
- ArgumentSize and Get_Field_Value
- cWebFileUploafForm Issue
- What does this compile error mean?
- Another Structure Comiler Error
- stuck
- codesense scrollbar on table column names
- DataFlex 2022 Testing Forum Closing Soon!
- Updated DataFlex 2022 release published - update now!