View Full Version : Studio & Utilities

  1. Welcome to the DataFlex Studio & Utilities Forum!
  2. several-databases-Vs-DbExplor
  3. The place for Wish Lists
  4. Studio: Drag and drop sources should open last workspace
  5. .sws files: add [cfgfile] section
  6. debugging Data movement.
  7. Read only DB attribute is not handled in Studio.
  8. Studio Database Menu, Table Viewer
  9. Suggestion: 'Close selected' on Windowlist
  10. Different color setting for whitespace
  11. Typo in the documentation
  12. Studio Find Dialog
  13. DBBldr Load Def Tab key weirdness
  14. Studio Database Viewer (again)
  15. WebApp won't load
  16. Table Character Format default in DF 19.1
  17. Is there a way to rebuild help index
  18. Key F7 - Studio behavior is strange
  19. Suggestion re Data Dictionary Screen
  20. Suggestion for dbBuilder - relationship table lists
  21. CodeMast
  22. DBBldr Load DEF offers file # 252
  23. Find result panel
  24. Studio will not model code
  25. Trying to uninstall DF20.0 fails
  26. Global_variable help
  27. Scroll wheel in file selection list
  28. Git and Global Packages
  29. GIT/Subversion in the Tools menu
  30. database Builder plea
  31. Table Name Casing
  32. DFLibXL Migration Question
  33. Project.war (war = warnings)
  34. Codesense CTRL+SPACE stopped working?
  35. Suggestion: Sorting the folder list in 'Find in Files'
  36. Suggestion: Create New Table (in Studio)
  37. Editor Bug:
  38. DFLibXL installation ...
  39. Database Explorer 'One Record view'
  40. Find In Files are sharing folder list between revisions
  41. Studio Error: Unable to set next instruction to this location
  42. Debugging Request (Again)
  43. Rebuild DD List
  44. DataFlex Structure Viewer for DataFlex 2021 and DataFlex 2022 available
  45. Studio error for constant
  46. Libxl and other lesser official DAW libraries need a newsgroup too…
  47. Refactoring aid within studio
  48. Copy to Clipboard does not work correctly with utf-8 source code files
  49. WebAppServer installation with DF Studio
  50. ClassExplorer released for 20.0 and 20.1
  51. ClassExplorer YAFR.
  52. CodeSense stop working after using multi line string
  53. BatchCompiler released for DataFlex 20 and 20.1
  54. Solution for 19.1 Database Explorer crashing
  55. Release of PC Settings for DataFlex 20.0 and 20.1
  56. Suggestions for Studio
  57. Restructure renamed an existing field on its own
  58. Find which file that "Use" another
  59. LibXL for Dataflex 20.1
  60. Index X
  61. 60-day evaluation
  62. Editor Tabbed Windows
  63. DataFlex not installed (20.1)
  64. Scan for Images causing the studio to hang 20.1
  65. Language for compile error
  66. DataFlex Diagnostic Tool issue with email.
  67. Size of debugger window
  68. debugging Data Dictionary
  69. Database snapshot
  70. New version of the DataFlex LibXL Library released!
  71. Sort Window List
  72. Unhandle Studio Error
  73. Update cleared the "Save source files as OEM" setting
  74. Performance Statistics Question/Request
  75. Invalid CDS Node Handle in SetCurrentNodes '338233024'
  76. DF 19.1 Studio not installing properly
  77. New Version of the LibXL Library...etc
  78. Icons
  79. DataFlex Web Scheduler Library 1.3
  80. Background color cCJToolbar
  81. Link for "Updated DataFlex Diagnostics v1.1.1 available!" not working.
  82. Database Builder in studio
  83. Redesign Nudge move and size
  84. Connection to other database
  85. Docking panel and stopping the debugger
  86. FIle on harddrive created from DF tools
  87. Web source File Extensions
  88. Import Active-X Control
  89. Define Variables
  90. Compiler Progress panel
  91. SQL Reconnect or Repair for views
  92. dbExplorer
  93. Bigger Application
  94. Commenting Source code
  95. Add Relation
  96. Showln
  97. Casing in debuggng panels
  98. Studio dbBldr Properties
  99. Editor in Studio
  100. Unique object Names
  101. dbExplorer previous Next
  102. SearchInArrayNCS
  103. Validation tables
  104. Trace File
  105. Ordering directories in Search for .....
  106. Old Conventions
  107. Studio tabel to dbExploer
  108. Inconsistancy in Generated sources
  109. Studion dd builder
  110. Add new DDO object to a view or wo
  111. Connect to web service
  112. Debugger
  113. Code Expplorer
  114. Consistency Studio vs Wizard
  115. Store Debug session
  116. Many many suggestions
  117. YAFR: Export contents of Tree Views.
  118. FR: Code explorer for javascript
  119. Don't copy 'nuffin
  120. I can see why SysDate is obsolete...
  121. Save a Copy As
  122. Feature Request: Mark inactive #IFDEF sections
  123. Display of cCJGrid or any subclass of it in Studio
  124. New Feature request - Variable Declared
  125. Tabel in debugger
  126. DBExplorer Rawfile error
  127. "Close all but this" context menu Fail.
  128. YAFR: Filters in Table Viewer.
  129. Studio Installer could not configure IIS
  130. Do you toggle_state?
  131. Keyboard & mouse freezing intermittently
  132. Code Explorer doesn't understand this...
  133. Paste buffer exceeded
  134. editor wrinkle
  135. SQL Conversion Wizard on steroids
  136. DD utilities in Studio are PAINFULLY slow
  137. dbBuilder in deployment environment
  138. Chilkat without voice
  139. LibXL 4.3.0 released
  140. Is it possible to turn of .FD files from showing in Workspace Explorer?
  141. DataFlex Styler problem
  142. Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning on every compile
  143. Studio - Locate in Code Explorer - Dark mode
  144. Line Numbering
  145. Dataflex Styler unable to download 24.0 Templates
  146. 4402 MakeProjectCurrent cannot find...src
  147. Creating/Edit Table
  148. A wish for next version of DF
  149. Error Creating Empty Other File Type
  150. RADICAL suggestion re Workspace files
  151. Any diference between the Studio and Client for the 23 update MSSQLDRV.dll
  152. New Studio Install Issue
  153. New antivirus problems with DataFlex Studio 24.0 installer
  154. Suggestion: Stop autocapitalizing names
  155. Search and replace in editor gives up too easily
  156. new laptop program startup error
  157. Random application crashes (Dataflex 24.0 and Dataflex reports) - Windows server 2012
  158. Minor help article glitch
  159. Did I miss a Memo about Compiler Changes?
  160. SQL Connection manager
  161. Studio dbBldr problem
  162. Drag and Drop object name
  163. Library can break classlist.xml
  164. Suggestions future version
  165. Pretty print XML
  166. DBBuilder & Tabbed Style
  167. DataFlex 24 code editor color reset
  168. Studio feature request: show the last error when debugging it
  169. Suggestion for an improved SQL Connect/Repair Wizard
  170. BOM error
  171. Dataflex not installed
  172. DF Stuidio Editor Zoom - How to know current value and to reset it ?
  173. Error installing Studio - WebView2
  174. Studio menu bar disappearing
  175. Converting to SQL - Invalid index number
  176. SQL Migration Questions
  177. Uninstall Issue
  178. Order of DD methods and field
  179. DFXray for DataFlex 24.0 available