- Welcome to the DataFlex Studio & Utilities Forum!
- several-databases-Vs-DbExplor
- The place for Wish Lists
- Studio: Drag and drop sources should open last workspace
- .sws files: add [cfgfile] section
- debugging Data movement.
- Read only DB attribute is not handled in Studio.
- Studio Database Menu, Table Viewer
- Suggestion: 'Close selected' on Windowlist
- Different color setting for whitespace
- Typo in the documentation
- Studio Find Dialog
- DBBldr Load Def Tab key weirdness
- Studio Database Viewer (again)
- WebApp won't load
- Table Character Format default in DF 19.1
- Is there a way to rebuild help index
- Key F7 - Studio behavior is strange
- Suggestion re Data Dictionary Screen
- Suggestion for dbBuilder - relationship table lists
- CodeMast
- DBBldr Load DEF offers file # 252
- Find result panel
- Studio will not model code
- Trying to uninstall DF20.0 fails
- Global_variable help
- Scroll wheel in file selection list
- Git and Global Packages
- GIT/Subversion in the Tools menu
- database Builder plea
- Table Name Casing
- DFLibXL Migration Question
- Project.war (war = warnings)
- Codesense CTRL+SPACE stopped working?
- Suggestion: Sorting the folder list in 'Find in Files'
- Suggestion: Create New Table (in Studio)
- Editor Bug:
- DFLibXL installation ...
- Database Explorer 'One Record view'
- Find In Files are sharing folder list between revisions
- Studio Error: Unable to set next instruction to this location
- Debugging Request (Again)
- Rebuild DD List
- DataFlex Structure Viewer for DataFlex 2021 and DataFlex 2022 available
- Studio error for constant
- Libxl and other lesser official DAW libraries need a newsgroup too…
- Refactoring aid within studio
- Copy to Clipboard does not work correctly with utf-8 source code files
- WebAppServer installation with DF Studio
- ClassExplorer released for 20.0 and 20.1
- ClassExplorer YAFR.
- CodeSense stop working after using multi line string
- BatchCompiler released for DataFlex 20 and 20.1
- Solution for 19.1 Database Explorer crashing
- Release of PC Settings for DataFlex 20.0 and 20.1
- Suggestions for Studio
- Restructure renamed an existing field on its own
- Find which file that "Use" another
- LibXL for Dataflex 20.1
- Index X
- 60-day evaluation
- Editor Tabbed Windows
- DataFlex not installed (20.1)
- Scan for Images causing the studio to hang 20.1
- Language for compile error
- DataFlex Diagnostic Tool issue with email.
- Size of debugger window
- debugging Data Dictionary
- Database snapshot
- New version of the DataFlex LibXL Library released!
- Sort Window List
- Unhandle Studio Error
- Update cleared the "Save source files as OEM" setting
- Performance Statistics Question/Request
- Invalid CDS Node Handle in SetCurrentNodes '338233024'
- DF 19.1 Studio not installing properly
- New Version of the LibXL Library...etc
- Icons
- DataFlex Web Scheduler Library 1.3
- Background color cCJToolbar
- Link for "Updated DataFlex Diagnostics v1.1.1 available!" not working.
- Database Builder in studio
- Redesign Nudge move and size
- Connection to other database
- Docking panel and stopping the debugger
- FIle on harddrive created from DF tools
- Web source File Extensions
- Import Active-X Control
- Define Variables
- Compiler Progress panel
- SQL Reconnect or Repair for views
- dbExplorer
- Bigger Application
- Commenting Source code
- Add Relation
- Showln
- Casing in debuggng panels
- Studio dbBldr Properties
- Editor in Studio
- Unique object Names
- dbExplorer previous Next
- SearchInArrayNCS
- Validation tables
- Trace File
- Ordering directories in Search for .....
- Old Conventions
- Studio tabel to dbExploer
- Inconsistancy in Generated sources
- Studion dd builder
- Add new DDO object to a view or wo
- Connect to web service
- Debugger
- Code Expplorer
- Consistency Studio vs Wizard
- Store Debug session
- Many many suggestions
- YAFR: Export contents of Tree Views.
- FR: Code explorer for javascript
- Don't copy 'nuffin
- I can see why SysDate is obsolete...
- Save a Copy As
- Feature Request: Mark inactive #IFDEF sections
- Display of cCJGrid or any subclass of it in Studio
- New Feature request - Variable Declared
- Tabel in debugger
- DBExplorer Rawfile error
- "Close all but this" context menu Fail.
- YAFR: Filters in Table Viewer.
- Studio Installer could not configure IIS
- Do you toggle_state?
- Keyboard & mouse freezing intermittently
- Code Explorer doesn't understand this...
- Paste buffer exceeded
- editor wrinkle
- SQL Conversion Wizard on steroids
- DD utilities in Studio are PAINFULLY slow
- dbBuilder in deployment environment
- Chilkat without voice
- LibXL 4.3.0 released
- Is it possible to turn of .FD files from showing in Workspace Explorer?
- DataFlex Styler problem
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning on every compile
- Studio - Locate in Code Explorer - Dark mode
- Line Numbering
- Dataflex Styler unable to download 24.0 Templates
- 4402 MakeProjectCurrent cannot find...src
- Creating/Edit Table
- A wish for next version of DF
- Error Creating Empty Other File Type
- RADICAL suggestion re Workspace files
- Any diference between the Studio and Client for the 23 update MSSQLDRV.dll
- New Studio Install Issue
- New antivirus problems with DataFlex Studio 24.0 installer
- Suggestion: Stop autocapitalizing names
- Search and replace in editor gives up too easily
- new laptop program startup error
- Random application crashes (Dataflex 24.0 and Dataflex reports) - Windows server 2012
- Minor help article glitch
- Did I miss a Memo about Compiler Changes?
- SQL Connection manager
- Studio dbBldr problem
- Drag and Drop object name
- Library can break classlist.xml
- Suggestions future version
- Pretty print XML
- DBBuilder & Tabbed Style
- DataFlex 24 code editor color reset
- Studio feature request: show the last error when debugging it
- Suggestion for an improved SQL Connect/Repair Wizard
- BOM error
- Dataflex not installed
- DF Stuidio Editor Zoom - How to know current value and to reset it ?
- Error installing Studio - WebView2
- Studio menu bar disappearing
- Converting to SQL - Invalid index number
- SQL Migration Questions
- Uninstall Issue
- Order of DD methods and field
- DFXray for DataFlex 24.0 available