- Welcome to the DataFlex Hangout!
- Virtual seat app
- All aboard the COBOL train!
- iPhone or Android ?
- Unit tests
- For those who are clueless about Powershell & CSS
- Dark Theme
- Vendor for ODBC Drivers
- Microsoft Build 2020 online and free registration
- B-Tree explained
- I Guess this is how we replace the junior Programmers?
- Too serious nowadays
- Sometimes the cure seems worse than the problem
- Last Will & Testament (not mine...)
- Dataflex Zoom Meet.
- PDF Merge
- Interesting video presentation about SQL application aproache and best practices
- The GIT blog
- Microsoft has Dataflex?
- I don't take this as political
- DataFlex 2020 is a LOUSY name for the product
- Whales
- OOPs! article from Medium
- StarZen Technologies and Hurricane Sally
- POS User interfaces
- apologies
- A little more information about hte practicalities of Unicode.
- WARNING! False email messages from CodeJock
- Rotterdam to Amsterdam in 10 minutes
- Green car!
- Explains why our conferences are so creative
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Rusts option construct for null is elegant
- Sarcasm Driven Development
- Top 50 FREE Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering and Programming Courses from the Ivy League Universities
- Retail is the reason for the season...
- Happy Holidays!
- Does this make you smile - or worry you?
- Poof! 2020 is gone and New Zealand is in 2021
- FYI code signing sha1 timeserver from verisign
- Nice Case - Congrats !
- I need your help...
- Classics
- Win32 metadata project
- Bad software and Covid-19 vaccine distribution
- MS Office javascript API
- Anybody currently in Madrid?
- Storing pictures etc in your Database is VERY BAD IDEA
- M1 Mac Rosetta switch off
- DAW spoiled my almost-perfect record...
- DF2021 Appeared just in time.
- Cayman Island artist
- Launch Event
- WebApp and SignalR - Future?
- Oops
- Consulting 101
- When you lock and bolt the front door....
- DataFlexCode on GitHub
- Just for giggles...
- The Louvre has been closed for too long - things are happening...
- DataFlex Learning Center - Course example downloads
- Cloud
- Which mode do you prefer ?
- Ransomware protection built-in to Windows 10
- Logging in to this forum.
- What we do is complex
- Bear plus snowflake equals polar bear
- Windows 11 is on it’s way
- Congrats
- Look what just showed up in my youtube feed.
- Dataflex Wiki
- "These results establish a scalable approach to study non-equilibrium phases of matter on current quantum processors."
- Explaining C# Code to Non-Programmers and/or DataFlex developers :-)
- When a move isn't
- Regex
- Old (i.e DataFlex) programmers
- Oracle SQL is the Devil
- Source Control Repositories and Libraries
- Text Editor
- Scale of the solar ystem
- Anniversary Event!
- The Far Side is back in business
- Color vision testing in a browser
- Task scheduler problem
- 2022 Beta 3
- Crimbo 2021 thread
- Stack Overflow - never change
- Happy New Year!
- Exchange Y2K problem and the 2038 problem
- FTP site moved?
- Tech Support
- Access
- Gotta love Windows...
- Irish History Fact!
- Something for the weekend. "Your data is toast, fool."
- Windows 1.0
- I need to visit...
- ICopy not vlid ??????
- Null
- One day a computer will fit on your desk (1974)
- Any place to obtain Dataflex install files or 3.5” diskettes for DOS computers?
- This!
- Monday morning coloring
- A good read !
- DataFlex does not have a package management system - and that's a good thing (kind of)
- Do as I say, don't do as I do...
- Password
- The Universe
- First blow of the year…
- DataFlex on M1 Mac
- Couldn't resist
- A question of can it be done?
- I missed predicting the first game of the World Cup :(
- The feats of Stephen (see what I did there?)
- Server error
- Best wishes to all
- 3.2 Unix Dataflex accessed from Windows emulator-Maximum Dataflex users exceeded
- Windows Error Lookup Tool
- New timeout settings for these forums?
- Happy Birthday!
- Look what I found!
- Dataflex 7 Install Download
- Need more blogs
- DataFlex edit goes arabic on me
- Loup-Valliant
- This took me back
- Wut?
- Astronaut reviews aerospace movies
- Windows 2012 end of support
- next release?
- Maybe it would work.
- UI /UX nightmare
- How do you use your Dataflex goodies?
- About bananas. . .
- Merry Christmas
- Francis Griffin
- A word of warning
- Electronic Whiteboards
- How could you not trust this outfit for SEO work?
- Azure Key Vault code signing certificates
- Graduation Project University of Jordan using DataFlex
- DataFlex Footpool ... weird email or ???
- aiiieeeeee Caramba!
- Is it coming home?
- 25 years of VDF-Guidance
- Great Halloween Display
- Has anyone tried using the Cursor Editor?
- Never do 2 things at once and get a good sleep.
- Old technologies ……..
- MS Edge popup blocked
- Happy 2025 for you all