View Full Version : The DataFlex Hangout

  1. Welcome to the DataFlex Hangout!
  2. Virtual seat app
  3. All aboard the COBOL train!
  4. iPhone or Android ?
  5. Unit tests
  6. For those who are clueless about Powershell & CSS
  7. Dark Theme
  8. Vendor for ODBC Drivers
  9. Microsoft Build 2020 online and free registration
  10. B-Tree explained
  11. I Guess this is how we replace the junior Programmers?
  12. Too serious nowadays
  13. Sometimes the cure seems worse than the problem
  14. Last Will & Testament (not mine...)
  15. Dataflex Zoom Meet.
  16. PDF Merge
  17. Interesting video presentation about SQL application aproache and best practices
  18. The GIT blog
  19. Microsoft has Dataflex?
  20. I don't take this as political
  21. DataFlex 2020 is a LOUSY name for the product
  22. Whales
  23. OOPs! article from Medium
  24. StarZen Technologies and Hurricane Sally
  25. POS User interfaces
  26. apologies
  27. A little more information about hte practicalities of Unicode.
  28. WARNING! False email messages from CodeJock
  29. Rotterdam to Amsterdam in 10 minutes
  30. Green car!
  31. Explains why our conferences are so creative
  32. Happy Thanksgiving!
  33. Rusts option construct for null is elegant
  34. Sarcasm Driven Development
  35. Top 50 FREE Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering and Programming Courses from the Ivy League Universities
  36. Retail is the reason for the season...
  37. Happy Holidays!
  38. Does this make you smile - or worry you?
  39. Poof! 2020 is gone and New Zealand is in 2021
  40. FYI code signing sha1 timeserver from verisign
  41. Nice Case - Congrats !
  42. I need your help...
  43. Classics
  44. Win32 metadata project
  45. Bad software and Covid-19 vaccine distribution
  46. MS Office javascript API
  47. Anybody currently in Madrid?
  48. Storing pictures etc in your Database is VERY BAD IDEA
  49. M1 Mac Rosetta switch off
  50. DAW spoiled my almost-perfect record...
  51. DF2021 Appeared just in time.
  52. Cayman Island artist
  53. Launch Event
  54. WebApp and SignalR - Future?
  55. Oops
  56. Consulting 101
  57. When you lock and bolt the front door....
  58. DataFlexCode on GitHub
  59. Just for giggles...
  60. The Louvre has been closed for too long - things are happening...
  61. DataFlex Learning Center - Course example downloads
  62. Cloud
  63. Which mode do you prefer ?
  64. Ransomware protection built-in to Windows 10
  65. Logging in to this forum.
  66. What we do is complex
  67. Bear plus snowflake equals polar bear
  68. Windows 11 is on it’s way
  69. Congrats
  70. Look what just showed up in my youtube feed.
  71. Dataflex Wiki
  72. "These results establish a scalable approach to study non-equilibrium phases of matter on current quantum processors."
  73. Explaining C# Code to Non-Programmers and/or DataFlex developers :-)
  74. When a move isn't
  75. Regex
  76. Old (i.e DataFlex) programmers
  77. Oracle SQL is the Devil
  78. Source Control Repositories and Libraries
  79. Text Editor
  80. Scale of the solar ystem
  81. Anniversary Event!
  82. The Far Side is back in business
  83. Color vision testing in a browser
  84. Task scheduler problem
  85. 2022 Beta 3
  86. Crimbo 2021 thread
  87. Stack Overflow - never change
  88. Happy New Year!
  89. Exchange Y2K problem and the 2038 problem
  90. FTP site moved?
  91. Tech Support
  92. Access
  93. Gotta love Windows...
  94. Irish History Fact!
  95. Something for the weekend. "Your data is toast, fool."
  96. Windows 1.0
  97. I need to visit...
  98. ICopy not vlid ??????
  99. Null
  100. One day a computer will fit on your desk (1974)
  101. Any place to obtain Dataflex install files or 3.5” diskettes for DOS computers?
  102. This!
  103. Monday morning coloring
  104. A good read !
  105. DataFlex does not have a package management system - and that's a good thing (kind of)
  106. Do as I say, don't do as I do...
  107. Password
  108. The Universe
  109. First blow of the year…
  110. DataFlex on M1 Mac
  111. Couldn't resist
  112. A question of can it be done?
  113. I missed predicting the first game of the World Cup :(
  114. The feats of Stephen (see what I did there?)
  115. Server error
  116. Best wishes to all
  117. 3.2 Unix Dataflex accessed from Windows emulator-Maximum Dataflex users exceeded
  118. Windows Error Lookup Tool
  119. New timeout settings for these forums?
  120. Happy Birthday!
  121. Look what I found!
  122. Dataflex 7 Install Download
  123. Need more blogs
  124. DataFlex edit goes arabic on me
  125. Loup-Valliant
  126. This took me back
  127. Wut?
  128. Astronaut reviews aerospace movies
  129. Windows 2012 end of support
  130. next release?
  131. Maybe it would work.
  132. UI /UX nightmare
  133. How do you use your Dataflex goodies?
  134. About bananas. . .
  135. Merry Christmas
  136. Francis Griffin
  137. A word of warning
  138. Electronic Whiteboards
  139. How could you not trust this outfit for SEO work?
  140. Azure Key Vault code signing certificates
  141. Graduation Project University of Jordan using DataFlex
  142. DataFlex Footpool ... weird email or ???
  143. aiiieeeeee Caramba!
  144. Is it coming home?
  145. 25 years of VDF-Guidance
  146. Great Halloween Display
  147. Has anyone tried using the Cursor Editor?
  148. Never do 2 things at once and get a good sleep.
  149. Old technologies ……..
  150. MS Edge popup blocked
  151. Happy 2025 for you all