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  1. cProgressBar warning (19.1 testing)
  2. Link error (19.1 testing)
  3. for_all (19.1 EDUC Alpha)
  4. Welcome to DataFlex 2018 - 19.1
  5. vWin32fh DF19.1 beta release
  6. Did we set a record?
  7. DataFlex 19.1 Migration Primer - Language Cleanup and Compiler Warnings
  8. Crystal
  9. Libraries, third party
  10. Warnings
  11. Error in DAW package - 19.1 alpha 2
  12. Warnings & Errors
  13. Begin_Row/End_Row
  14. Splitting an if/else/case line with a line separator ( ; ) will make it easier to debug
  15. Omg!!!
  16. pbMultipleSelection, from 10 selected rows to 1
  17. DF_Material Theme is awsome!
  18. Error loading previewer.css
  19. Slow performance start view after migration
  20. StatusPaneCapslock and StatusPaneNumlock
  21. WINQL functions moved to CrystalReports.pkg ?
  22. Basic Report?
  23. ByRef runtime error
  24. Cleanmarkers update to clean up your DataFlex 19.1 source
  25. Alpha2 - Cant Install
  26. ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
  27. Expandable List Panel - alpha 2
  28. using Batchdd.pkg in a Webapp
  29. Ribbonbar and Backstage View example
  30. Curious behaviors in my webapp
  31. Error navigating from View menu in Webapp
  32. Required parent table nulls
  33. default logic unable to reproduce error
  34. Help If's
  35. Link error : Unable to add the df-image
  36. DF_Material vs Df_Flat_Touch with Flipswitch checkbox & accordion container
  37. Webapp manifest file?
  38. WebModelDialog
  39. 19.1 Studio still not able to handle multiple screens with different scaling
  40. VDF Query
  41. Migration minor error
  42. Studio Debug window 'Tables' does not maintain order while stepping though code
  43. Migration DF19.0/DF19.1
  44. 2017 vs 2018
  45. Macro buffer exceeded
  46. readblock documentation
  47. Request Casing
  48. Vertical line in Ribbonbar (cCJRibbonGroup)
  49. DataFlex NEXTGEN?
  50. DataFlex 64-bit
  51. Warning No. 7
  52. Recommended coding practice
  53. Wrong reference in Df_Material icons-reference.html
  54. Redefinition of character mapping in Df_Material theme?
  55. cWebColumnButton onClick not firing
  56. Tooltip on cWebColumnbutton doesn't show
  57. Deferred BusinessProcess { ComponentType=BPClass }
  58. External_Function32 x External_Function ExecutePrintSetup "ExecutePrintSetup" DFPRINT.DLL
  59. GetAdress and AdressOf warning
  60. cWebListExpandPanel
  61. DataFlex 19.1, Alpha 3 Released!
  62. Duplicate Method Definition in Enclient.pkg
  63. Duplicate Method in DFEnrad.pkg
  64. Improved Compiler Warnings - Thanks for the Feedback!
  65. Duplicate Global Method ExtractFilePath / LastDelimeter
  66. Something to check in cCjGrid.pkg
  67. A few lines to clean up possibly
  68. Duplicate Method MovePageDown in cCJGridColumnEdit.pkg
  69. Dd_debug.dg lots of compiler warnings
  70. False compile warning Alpha 3 if/else/case line
  71. VDFQuery
  72. WebList Footer
  73. Office 2016 themes
  74. NavigateBegin no longer passing the invoking object
  75. Minor Help Bug
  76. Installing in different folders
  77. ToolTip
  78. Wrong display of accents in WebApp Designer (Alpha 3)
  79. Get_Date_Attribute EPOCH_VALUE To iEpochValue
  80. Bug: DatePicker doesn't reflect correct record date
  81. Change command behavior: Send Exit_Application on Dialog object.
  82. Text centering in cWebCombo (Alpha 3)
  83. Class Preferences custom cWeblist cannot be defined
  84. Minor grammar error in Help
  85. Understanding what I have
  86. Mapi
  87. State hash lost after redirection from SSO login page
  88. Errors Compiling our StreamV App under 19.1
  89. Language Cleanups for DF Packages
  90. DataFlex Code Parser/Explorer Update
  91. Recommendation
  92. Rename WebApp - How far are we ?
  93. Clipping cWebColumnCheckBox in cWeblist
  94. Adding SQL default values in the Studio
  95. Set_Date_Attribute Warning
  96. Tip: Better than doing nothing, I think it's better to do something.
  97. Date Attributes and VDFBase.pkg
  98. Compiler Options / Switches
  99. Linking Errors
  100. Link error
  101. Default Form Height
  102. Incorrect move of 2 or more objects to the right with the arrow or Nudge Panel
  103. new altName member for struct meta data
  104. Application Language and Code Cleanup
  105. WIBNI (Wouldn't if be nice if...)
  106. Code Fixups
  107. Suggestion: Enhanced APPEND command
  108. Cancel Option
  109. 19.1 Alpha 3 - Help index vanished
  110. GetBuff
  111. Can't center text cWebLabel
  112. Help and Library Folder Structure
  113. Dataloss message and web accordion card/container bug
  114. Extensive BLOB and TEXT memory allocations
  115. Suggestion: AutoActivateViews
  116. Long time between drinks
  117. Code Warnings
  118. Include_Resource command
  119. CompilerWarnings Off|On|Suspend|Restart
  120. Precompile required but does not help
  121. Getbuff
  122. DataFlex 19.1, Alpha 4 Released!
  123. cWebMenuItem (Alpha 3 & Alpha 4) didn't trigger OnGetNavigateForwardData
  124. Upload button overlaying other buttons
  125. altName member for struct meta data
  126. Set_Relate & |FN0,0
  127. Missing verb in Forward Navigation Process documentation
  128. Link errors
  129. And another command bites the dust..
  130. Javascript errors popping up in the studio(A4)
  131. DataFlex Reports export to Excel
  132. VDFQuery 2.4g beta-2
  133. Error Invalid CDS Node Handle in SetCurrentNodes
  134. WhatsNew.zip in help folder
  135. Compiler Directives in Help
  136. 19.1 A4 - Help for ShowInfoBalloon
  137. YAFR: Help - About Add release name in words.
  138. Basic Webapp Security
  139. Computed Column Support in MSSQL
  140. Is renaming tables in the studio not a thing?
  141. Spelling errors in WebOrder
  142. DbExplorer -> DbExport
  143. Edit Table
  144. Error in Set Next Instruction when using in .Inc file
  145. Minor package cleanup...
  146. cCJGridSearchDialog oversight - hopefully added in DF19.1
  147. Is this Possible (re Date Field Web)
  148. DF_Material Theme scrolling
  149. CompilerWarnings Suspend
  150. Switching Workspaces does not save list of opened files
  151. Suggestion regarding tNameValuePair
  152. Will there be any color schema for the Studio?
  153. Internal Compiler Error: Compiler terminated unexpectedly with error code...
  154. Minor niggle
  155. YAFR: Move a record buffer to a struct and vice-a-versa
  156. webapp vdf19.1 A4 01/09/2018
  157. Server Expiration
  158. DF19.0 to DF19.4
  159. How to convert this (so it works)?
  160. About Embed Manifes File
  161. Df_field_native_type
  162. cWebButton pbEnabled bug?
  163. Df_Material: Object "oCaptionBreadcrumb" is partially visible for this theme
  164. DF_Material - Last Row not fully displayed
  165. Swipe cards and vertical swiping
  166. Doc: old style code in example
  167. User count exceeded for this licence
  168. Getting thirsty again
  169. dbExplorer ConnectionIDs dialog changes connectionIDs by it self
  170. sysdate4 is flagged as a 19.1 warning, sysdate isn't
  171. Issue with ToolInfo structure
  172. Studio: Code complete two different ways to list table names?
  173. YAFR: Studio Reload File Option
  174. Improve help with reference to Get_File_Path
  175. YAFR: A post seed data or on before read record hook
  176. Bug: psTooltip doesn't work for the Spinform class
  177. DF19.1A5: Failed to install
  178. JavaScript errors in de DF Studio
  179. Parametrized Query question
  180. DRReports oViewer
  181. Alpha 5: Error in DRLanguageDansk.Inc
  182. New HTTP Handler
  183. Installation errors DF19.1 a5
  184. JsonType Help
  185. BitDefender and DataFlex
  186. Why no JSON date type?
  187. WebOrder Sample API workspace
  188. Name based SQL Parameterized Queries
  189. SQL Connection Manager
  190. Could not open INSTALL.LOG file
  191. DF_Material - Group Caption
  192. Alpha 5 unistall
  193. pbHighlightTab - Help comment
  194. YAFR: DataFlexWebAppChecker.exe /s, silent mode
  195. Dashboard Buttons
  196. When passing a content 0 (zero), by a string byref, it converts to whites
  197. End_For_All missing from code sense selection list
  198. Keywords in field names
  199. Closing program with help file crashes the debugger
  200. Refresh enables the record
  201. Select does not appear in the sensitive pick list.
  202. How Do I Drag to Resize my Project
  203. HashState and URL Paramenters
  204. HashState and URL Paramenters 2
  205. Item in Menu ActionBar
  206. BUG: cWebHttpHandler - Cookies.
  207. Behavior change 19.0 X 19.1 A5 - VDFRootDir key dependency
  208. 19.1 Timeline ?
  209. DemoFileUpload.wo
  210. DF_Material Disabled Buttons
  211. OT Useful error messages
  212. Bug with new Register Web App
  213. DownloadURL Limit
  214. psVerbs - cWebHttpHandler question
  215. Next alpha/beta
  216. 19.1A5 Installer Issue
  217. Different Behavior: Edit X cTextEdit in ModalPanel Object
  218. Can we have a REGISTER_DD command?
  219. Show page works different
  220. DOC: Broken link "Javascript and DataFlex classes"
  221. Doc error SQLSetParameter
  222. History constant spelling mistake
  223. Behavior Difference Command: Object_Label
  224. DF_Material FlipSwitch Style
  225. webapp mobile reindex
  226. Order.vw in OrderGeneratorTester.src
  227. Installer request: option to install without webapp
  228. Installer request: no compile button
  229. Que? Win95DLL.DLL
  230. The geek is back
  231. Help file conflict between 19.0 and 19.1 is resolved
  232. Basic Web Project
  233. Suggested rewording of Whats New in Help
  234. Legacy 'NavigateForward' in sample SelectCustomer.wo
  235. Installer bug: Registering 64bit dlls on a 32bit machine
  236. B1 - Clipping issue on customer list WebOrderMobile sample
  237. SuggestionForm bug
  238. Spello in help topic 'WebRegisterPath'
  239. Installer request: Installing perquisite software
  240. Installer request: Configuring windows features
  241. NavigateBegin -> NavigatePathBegin
  242. Msg_oncommandstring
  243. Studio ERROR in DF19.1 Beta 1
  244. Symantec found threat in webapp.exe from 19.1 Beta 1
  245. Framework Inheritance Structure
  246. DF19.1 Beta not installing
  247. Surprised to find how much the 'indicate' command appears in our codebase
  248. d MMM yyyy
  249. Navigation path registration where login is optional
  250. Epoch 30 not working for data entry in 19.1 B1