- cProgressBar warning (19.1 testing)
- Link error (19.1 testing)
- for_all (19.1 EDUC Alpha)
- Welcome to DataFlex 2018 - 19.1
- vWin32fh DF19.1 beta release
- Did we set a record?
- DataFlex 19.1 Migration Primer - Language Cleanup and Compiler Warnings
- Crystal
- Libraries, third party
- Warnings
- Error in DAW package - 19.1 alpha 2
- Warnings & Errors
- Begin_Row/End_Row
- Splitting an if/else/case line with a line separator ( ; ) will make it easier to debug
- Omg!!!
- pbMultipleSelection, from 10 selected rows to 1
- DF_Material Theme is awsome!
- Error loading previewer.css
- Slow performance start view after migration
- StatusPaneCapslock and StatusPaneNumlock
- WINQL functions moved to CrystalReports.pkg ?
- Basic Report?
- ByRef runtime error
- Cleanmarkers update to clean up your DataFlex 19.1 source
- Alpha2 - Cant Install
- ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
- Expandable List Panel - alpha 2
- using Batchdd.pkg in a Webapp
- Ribbonbar and Backstage View example
- Curious behaviors in my webapp
- Error navigating from View menu in Webapp
- Required parent table nulls
- default logic unable to reproduce error
- Help If's
- Link error : Unable to add the df-image
- DF_Material vs Df_Flat_Touch with Flipswitch checkbox & accordion container
- Webapp manifest file?
- WebModelDialog
- 19.1 Studio still not able to handle multiple screens with different scaling
- VDF Query
- Migration minor error
- Studio Debug window 'Tables' does not maintain order while stepping though code
- Migration DF19.0/DF19.1
- 2017 vs 2018
- Macro buffer exceeded
- readblock documentation
- Request Casing
- Vertical line in Ribbonbar (cCJRibbonGroup)
- DataFlex NEXTGEN?
- DataFlex 64-bit
- Warning No. 7
- Recommended coding practice
- Wrong reference in Df_Material icons-reference.html
- Redefinition of character mapping in Df_Material theme?
- cWebColumnButton onClick not firing
- Tooltip on cWebColumnbutton doesn't show
- Deferred BusinessProcess { ComponentType=BPClass }
- External_Function32 x External_Function ExecutePrintSetup "ExecutePrintSetup" DFPRINT.DLL
- GetAdress and AdressOf warning
- cWebListExpandPanel
- DataFlex 19.1, Alpha 3 Released!
- Duplicate Method Definition in Enclient.pkg
- Duplicate Method in DFEnrad.pkg
- Improved Compiler Warnings - Thanks for the Feedback!
- Duplicate Global Method ExtractFilePath / LastDelimeter
- Something to check in cCjGrid.pkg
- A few lines to clean up possibly
- Duplicate Method MovePageDown in cCJGridColumnEdit.pkg
- Dd_debug.dg lots of compiler warnings
- False compile warning Alpha 3 if/else/case line
- VDFQuery
- WebList Footer
- Office 2016 themes
- NavigateBegin no longer passing the invoking object
- Minor Help Bug
- Installing in different folders
- ToolTip
- Wrong display of accents in WebApp Designer (Alpha 3)
- Get_Date_Attribute EPOCH_VALUE To iEpochValue
- Bug: DatePicker doesn't reflect correct record date
- Change command behavior: Send Exit_Application on Dialog object.
- Text centering in cWebCombo (Alpha 3)
- Class Preferences custom cWeblist cannot be defined
- Minor grammar error in Help
- Understanding what I have
- Mapi
- State hash lost after redirection from SSO login page
- Errors Compiling our StreamV App under 19.1
- Language Cleanups for DF Packages
- DataFlex Code Parser/Explorer Update
- Recommendation
- Rename WebApp - How far are we ?
- Clipping cWebColumnCheckBox in cWeblist
- Adding SQL default values in the Studio
- Set_Date_Attribute Warning
- Tip: Better than doing nothing, I think it's better to do something.
- Date Attributes and VDFBase.pkg
- Compiler Options / Switches
- Linking Errors
- Link error
- Default Form Height
- Incorrect move of 2 or more objects to the right with the arrow or Nudge Panel
- new altName member for struct meta data
- Application Language and Code Cleanup
- WIBNI (Wouldn't if be nice if...)
- Code Fixups
- Suggestion: Enhanced APPEND command
- Cancel Option
- 19.1 Alpha 3 - Help index vanished
- GetBuff
- Can't center text cWebLabel
- Help and Library Folder Structure
- Dataloss message and web accordion card/container bug
- Extensive BLOB and TEXT memory allocations
- Suggestion: AutoActivateViews
- Long time between drinks
- Code Warnings
- Include_Resource command
- CompilerWarnings Off|On|Suspend|Restart
- Precompile required but does not help
- Getbuff
- DataFlex 19.1, Alpha 4 Released!
- cWebMenuItem (Alpha 3 & Alpha 4) didn't trigger OnGetNavigateForwardData
- Upload button overlaying other buttons
- altName member for struct meta data
- Set_Relate & |FN0,0
- Missing verb in Forward Navigation Process documentation
- Link errors
- And another command bites the dust..
- Javascript errors popping up in the studio(A4)
- DataFlex Reports export to Excel
- VDFQuery 2.4g beta-2
- Error Invalid CDS Node Handle in SetCurrentNodes
- WhatsNew.zip in help folder
- Compiler Directives in Help
- 19.1 A4 - Help for ShowInfoBalloon
- YAFR: Help - About Add release name in words.
- Basic Webapp Security
- Computed Column Support in MSSQL
- Is renaming tables in the studio not a thing?
- Spelling errors in WebOrder
- DbExplorer -> DbExport
- Edit Table
- Error in Set Next Instruction when using in .Inc file
- Minor package cleanup...
- cCJGridSearchDialog oversight - hopefully added in DF19.1
- Is this Possible (re Date Field Web)
- DF_Material Theme scrolling
- CompilerWarnings Suspend
- Switching Workspaces does not save list of opened files
- Suggestion regarding tNameValuePair
- Will there be any color schema for the Studio?
- Internal Compiler Error: Compiler terminated unexpectedly with error code...
- Minor niggle
- YAFR: Move a record buffer to a struct and vice-a-versa
- webapp vdf19.1 A4 01/09/2018
- Server Expiration
- DF19.0 to DF19.4
- How to convert this (so it works)?
- About Embed Manifes File
- Df_field_native_type
- cWebButton pbEnabled bug?
- Df_Material: Object "oCaptionBreadcrumb" is partially visible for this theme
- DF_Material - Last Row not fully displayed
- Swipe cards and vertical swiping
- Doc: old style code in example
- User count exceeded for this licence
- Getting thirsty again
- dbExplorer ConnectionIDs dialog changes connectionIDs by it self
- sysdate4 is flagged as a 19.1 warning, sysdate isn't
- Issue with ToolInfo structure
- Studio: Code complete two different ways to list table names?
- YAFR: Studio Reload File Option
- Improve help with reference to Get_File_Path
- YAFR: A post seed data or on before read record hook
- Bug: psTooltip doesn't work for the Spinform class
- DF19.1A5: Failed to install
- JavaScript errors in de DF Studio
- Parametrized Query question
- DRReports oViewer
- Alpha 5: Error in DRLanguageDansk.Inc
- New HTTP Handler
- Installation errors DF19.1 a5
- JsonType Help
- BitDefender and DataFlex
- Why no JSON date type?
- WebOrder Sample API workspace
- Name based SQL Parameterized Queries
- SQL Connection Manager
- Could not open INSTALL.LOG file
- DF_Material - Group Caption
- Alpha 5 unistall
- pbHighlightTab - Help comment
- YAFR: DataFlexWebAppChecker.exe /s, silent mode
- Dashboard Buttons
- When passing a content 0 (zero), by a string byref, it converts to whites
- End_For_All missing from code sense selection list
- Keywords in field names
- Closing program with help file crashes the debugger
- Refresh enables the record
- Select does not appear in the sensitive pick list.
- How Do I Drag to Resize my Project
- HashState and URL Paramenters
- HashState and URL Paramenters 2
- Item in Menu ActionBar
- BUG: cWebHttpHandler - Cookies.
- Behavior change 19.0 X 19.1 A5 - VDFRootDir key dependency
- 19.1 Timeline ?
- DemoFileUpload.wo
- DF_Material Disabled Buttons
- OT Useful error messages
- Bug with new Register Web App
- DownloadURL Limit
- psVerbs - cWebHttpHandler question
- Next alpha/beta
- 19.1A5 Installer Issue
- Different Behavior: Edit X cTextEdit in ModalPanel Object
- Can we have a REGISTER_DD command?
- Show page works different
- DOC: Broken link "Javascript and DataFlex classes"
- Doc error SQLSetParameter
- History constant spelling mistake
- Behavior Difference Command: Object_Label
- DF_Material FlipSwitch Style
- webapp mobile reindex
- Order.vw in OrderGeneratorTester.src
- Installer request: option to install without webapp
- Installer request: no compile button
- Que? Win95DLL.DLL
- The geek is back
- Help file conflict between 19.0 and 19.1 is resolved
- Basic Web Project
- Suggested rewording of Whats New in Help
- Legacy 'NavigateForward' in sample SelectCustomer.wo
- Installer bug: Registering 64bit dlls on a 32bit machine
- B1 - Clipping issue on customer list WebOrderMobile sample
- SuggestionForm bug
- Spello in help topic 'WebRegisterPath'
- Installer request: Installing perquisite software
- Installer request: Configuring windows features
- NavigateBegin -> NavigatePathBegin
- Msg_oncommandstring
- Studio ERROR in DF19.1 Beta 1
- Symantec found threat in webapp.exe from 19.1 Beta 1
- Framework Inheritance Structure
- DF19.1 Beta not installing
- Surprised to find how much the 'indicate' command appears in our codebase
- d MMM yyyy
- Navigation path registration where login is optional
- Epoch 30 not working for data entry in 19.1 B1