View Full Version : DataFlex for WordPress

  1. Welcome to DataFlex for WordPress!
  2. first try 50% success
  3. Looks great, one small niggle
  4. psWPSecret
  5. Had a quick go at it as well
  6. read a parameter from url of wordpress and use it within the Dataflex application
  7. DF4WP the oher way around
  8. install didn't work
  9. Suggestion for the future
  10. Embeddeb Question
  11. Embedded View Only
  12. Logon Question
  13. cWebFileUploadButton for wordpress - dataflex 18.2
  14. Mixing web sites in WordPress
  15. SQL Express & WP?
  16. Yet another question - responsiveness
  17. Height of plugin determined by height of WAF view.
  18. DF4WP & DF 19.0 Alpha
  19. DF4WP for VDF 17.1
  20. DF4WP and QrCode
  21. Issues with WordPress
  22. Trying to test an application in WordPress
  23. Training control
  24. DF4WP - Can't show single view
  25. Custom js
  26. cWPWebColumnImage won't work with images per line
  27. Multiple Viewports/Views on the one page
  28. Demo site not working
  29. Setting the psWPSecret property
  30. Session key not known (reload page to recreate session) error in Chriome
  31. Error when trying to login in an application
  32. End-of-Life for DF4WP