View Full Version : DataFlex 2015 Testing (18.2)

  1. Welcome to DataFlex 2015 - 18.2
  2. Your feedback during Beta is important...
  3. Minor Installation Error
  4. pdf and excel
  5. Minor Doc Thread
  6. Migration problems
  7. Icons
  8. Drag and Drop
  9. Date selecto
  10. Testing Beta 1
  11. exes copied, workspace list
  12. New Datepicker class?
  13. WHOA! Christmas comes early this year!
  14. ValueTree vs ValueTreeEx in documentation
  15. YAFR: Date, not DateTime Validation
  16. Library Maint
  17. Month calendar control (cMonthCalendarPrompt)
  18. Flat Desktop Theme
  19. Minor issue installing VDF 18.2 on Windows 10
  20. Error Handler Inconsistincies
  21. 18.2 scaling and CJ etc on Win10 bootcamp
  22. Workstation install
  23. Table Editor
  24. Strange behavior
  25. Severe memory leak
  26. Bug 6953 - Orphan records can cause problems
  27. cWebErrorHandler.pkg
  28. Maintenance Release
  29. GET_DDCLASS error
  30. CodeJock 13.6.1
  31. StrSplitToArray & StrJoinFromArray
  32. Compatability assistant on Win7.1
  33. cMonthCalendar and cMonthCalendarPrompt class documentation
  34. Reinstall error
  35. Error message on startup in DeBug v18.2 Beta
  36. Diamond relationships
  37. COM Object errors on startup after install
  38. Runtime problem opening table Valutabl
  39. Studio doesn't understand #IF (!@ > 181)
  40. Help Request
  41. Skinning Buttons and Grid headers
  42. Grids not working correctly
  43. Possible bug with WebSetResponsive
  44. jQuery custom Control no longer working in 18.2
  45. Menu Item Alignment (Windows)
  46. WebOrder sample submenu
  47. DF18.2 testing
  48. Help Addition
  49. Grid Refresh
  50. New? Find within 'Scope' of Function or Procedure body
  51. Out Of Memory
  52. cWebTreeView server handler
  53. Skinning - Combo etc buttons in the grids
  54. pbSmartRelate, No_Relate_State & Batch Processing Performance
  55. cWebPromptList.pkg - Another Quick Fix for 18.2
  56. CodeJock 16.4.0 Unicode controls
  57. Touch screen studio scrolling
  58. Time and Date Functions Help
  59. Grid throws 4402 Error, when you click on a blank row
  60. Playing with the 18.2 calendar
  61. DataFlex - Beta 2 is now available...
  62. DD Placement
  63. DF18.2 Beta 2
  64. Migrate to Beta 2
  65. CustomDownloadURL
  66. cCJGridColumnRowIndicator is width locked
  67. DF18.2 documentation on changes in the html-structure
  68. Debugger Table Window
  69. Suggestion on the Web Designer Preview
  70. SubMenu problem
  71. Cannot migrate DD folder
  72. No menu bar in Studio Editor
  73. DF_Flat_desktop
  74. pbReverseOrdering in cDbCJGridPromptList
  75. pbEnabled
  76. AddDDOStructure break in beta 2
  77. Error after migration..
  78. Unhandled exception in debugged application
  79. Vdf 18.2 final version question
  80. Sugestion Form error in WebOrder
  81. Cut from Required Parent Tables
  82. Combined 'load' and 'seed' strategy obstacle
  83. Small ??bug?? on Find in files
  84. Studio: URL & Comments
  85. Location in Properties Pane doesn't "stick"
  86. Suggestion for the SuggestionForm
  87. zoom open with readonly set to false
  88. Table Editor (2)
  89. DateTime functions
  90. Compiler Problem
  91. Request for setting a property defining boolean byref values for ActiveX components
  92. Report wizard
  93. Why are my cWebForm not showing?
  94. CJGrids and CJButtons
  95. RightPos
  96. Project Properties - Compiler
  97. YAFR re DDClasslist builder
  98. Beta Client Install?
  99. WebList peDbGridType = gtAllData
  100. Table Explorer
  101. Tabel Editor
  102. Invalid json error
  103. DbBuilder: Dump & Load for SQL Server
  104. Studio: Table Editor -> Description
  105. pbResizable on cWebPanel
  106. Function SyncDDOs of cWebView
  107. Unload View Problem
  108. New mobile project through wizards
  109. paDownloadFolders
  110. DataFlex - Beta 3 is now available...
  111. will open forum for vdf 18 beta 3
  112. Vfd18 beta 3 submenu bug
  113. MSSQL bad field error.
  114. Beta 3 error 4402
  115. File_dlg.pkg / Show_Dialog in Beta 3
  116. Am I dreaming
  117. Drilling down and Focus
  118. Error 4402
  119. The Filter menuitem in Message Trace does not work
  120. Request: Adding timestamp to Message Trace
  121. Focus Pocus
  122. More focus problems
  123. Prompt List Search Box
  124. Error 4402 again
  125. Arrow key navigation stuck in cWebGrid with Edge
  126. Possible Typo in cCjCommandBars.pkg
  127. Workstation Problem
  128. Help SQLStrFileFieldName
  129. cDbCJGrid show or not shown record problems.
  130. Strange Select View Issue
  131. Dear Santa Stephen.....
  132. OnDetachProcess / webproperty question
  133. Migration error from 17.1 to 18.2 b3
  134. YAFR: Drop Files on to Editor
  135. I Broke the Studio..
  136. Help Error
  137. Can a DBCJGrid be used without pbSuppressCacheError = True?
  138. default website webappcheck
  139. Pinned Output Panel "locks" - not new to 18.2
  140. right click on cjGrid undoes Multi Select.
  141. Unmigrating a workspace
  142. Font Library Observation
  143. Happy New Year
  144. Expired date exceeded
  145. Beta Serial Number Expiration
  146. Iframe and safari
  147. Studio Error
  148. Lookup Wizard
  149. DataFlex - Beta 4 is now available...
  150. Carryover
  151. Codejock 17.0 released! Will it make 18.2?
  152. Bug in Menu beta 4
  153. Beta 4 and Database Explorer in windows 10
  154. DbExplorer & Column Attribute Tab
  155. Field_Default_Value
  156. psTextColor in cWebForm
  157. Studio DD Modeler
  158. pbFillHeight weirdness in cWebTabContainer
  159. Table Changes
  160. Too few rows shown in table
  161. Beta 4 bug in menu 2
  162. SqlStrAppend %2
  163. Package versions / FMAC version
  164. Properties Panel
  165. cMonthCalendar
  166. Suggestion: Toolbar Icons
  167. piListColSpan
  168. Help of Possible Bug
  169. Minor WebOrder fix
  170. StrSplitToArray request
  171. Why no piCurrentColumn property in cWebList?
  172. Unknown publisher on beta 4 windows 10
  173. Comments on 18.2
  174. Uinteger type gives runtime errors
  175. Documentation
  176. Flexcom oddity
  177. Set_field_ucvalue
  178. Link Error on Compiling WebApp.exe
  179. pbSmartRelate gotcha
  180. Setting psImage is ignored on cWebMenuItem class
  181. Find Display
  182. Date column too small in Studio Table Viewer
  183. Studio suggestion agreed to but overlooked.
  184. pre and post-compiler steps are much appreciated. Thank you.
  185. Previewer out of screen... how can I get it back?
  186. Release Candidate or Next Beta when?
  187. Studio WS - Selector upon installation.
  188. Labels different
  189. Not exactly an error (cWebGroup tranparency)
  190. ddParentCombo bug
  191. Structures tab in DD panel of the studio
  192. DataFlex - Release Candidate is now available...
  193. RC1 IE:download signature corrupt or invalid
  194. System Table being cleared. A change in behaviour in Refind_Records?
  195. RC1 workstation security warning
  196. Match whole word only
  197. DataFlex - Release Candidate 2 is now available...
  198. RC1 "Can't open uninstall.log"
  199. Error in web lookup wizard RC2
  200. datetime function DateAddMinute
  201. Webproperty from menu not active
  202. cDbCJGridColumn and TimeMask
  203. DF18.2 cWebParentCombo Bug
  204. Maximum Text Column Size & the Embedded Database
  205. Border_Style in dbView
  206. cDBCJGrid Problem
  207. It's not too late to fix the cWebTreeView
  208. CMonthCalendarPromt
  209. YAFR: Uninstall/Reinstall.
  210. U_ErrorSystem MUST BE DEFINED on WebApps
  211. Importing ActiveX Components - Wrong classname in class palette
  212. Problem on server
  213. DataFlex 2016 / 18.2 is released!
  214. Warning message install released
  215. 18.2 Released Install Question/problem
  216. 18.2 Can't find Termlist
  217. Released 18.2
  218. time mask 18.2
  219. dbExplorer problem
  220. A problem with pbSmartRelate
  221. 18.2 output .def
  222. Saving a field without DEO in a webview fails
  223. Testing Forum Closing