- Welcome to DataFlex 2015 - 18.2
- Your feedback during Beta is important...
- Minor Installation Error
- pdf and excel
- Minor Doc Thread
- Migration problems
- Icons
- Drag and Drop
- Date selecto
- Testing Beta 1
- exes copied, workspace list
- New Datepicker class?
- WHOA! Christmas comes early this year!
- ValueTree vs ValueTreeEx in documentation
- YAFR: Date, not DateTime Validation
- Library Maint
- Month calendar control (cMonthCalendarPrompt)
- Flat Desktop Theme
- Minor issue installing VDF 18.2 on Windows 10
- Error Handler Inconsistincies
- 18.2 scaling and CJ etc on Win10 bootcamp
- Workstation install
- Table Editor
- Strange behavior
- Severe memory leak
- Bug 6953 - Orphan records can cause problems
- cWebErrorHandler.pkg
- Maintenance Release
- CodeJock 13.6.1
- StrSplitToArray & StrJoinFromArray
- Compatability assistant on Win7.1
- cMonthCalendar and cMonthCalendarPrompt class documentation
- Reinstall error
- Error message on startup in DeBug v18.2 Beta
- Diamond relationships
- COM Object errors on startup after install
- Runtime problem opening table Valutabl
- Studio doesn't understand #IF (!@ > 181)
- Help Request
- Skinning Buttons and Grid headers
- Grids not working correctly
- Possible bug with WebSetResponsive
- jQuery custom Control no longer working in 18.2
- Menu Item Alignment (Windows)
- WebOrder sample submenu
- DF18.2 testing
- Help Addition
- Grid Refresh
- New? Find within 'Scope' of Function or Procedure body
- Out Of Memory
- cWebTreeView server handler
- Skinning - Combo etc buttons in the grids
- pbSmartRelate, No_Relate_State & Batch Processing Performance
- cWebPromptList.pkg - Another Quick Fix for 18.2
- CodeJock 16.4.0 Unicode controls
- Touch screen studio scrolling
- Time and Date Functions Help
- Grid throws 4402 Error, when you click on a blank row
- Playing with the 18.2 calendar
- DataFlex - Beta 2 is now available...
- DD Placement
- DF18.2 Beta 2
- Migrate to Beta 2
- CustomDownloadURL
- cCJGridColumnRowIndicator is width locked
- DF18.2 documentation on changes in the html-structure
- Debugger Table Window
- Suggestion on the Web Designer Preview
- SubMenu problem
- Cannot migrate DD folder
- No menu bar in Studio Editor
- DF_Flat_desktop
- pbReverseOrdering in cDbCJGridPromptList
- pbEnabled
- AddDDOStructure break in beta 2
- Error after migration..
- Unhandled exception in debugged application
- Vdf 18.2 final version question
- Sugestion Form error in WebOrder
- Cut from Required Parent Tables
- Combined 'load' and 'seed' strategy obstacle
- Small ??bug?? on Find in files
- Studio: URL & Comments
- Location in Properties Pane doesn't "stick"
- Suggestion for the SuggestionForm
- zoom open with readonly set to false
- Table Editor (2)
- DateTime functions
- Compiler Problem
- Request for setting a property defining boolean byref values for ActiveX components
- Report wizard
- Why are my cWebForm not showing?
- CJGrids and CJButtons
- RightPos
- Project Properties - Compiler
- YAFR re DDClasslist builder
- Beta Client Install?
- WebList peDbGridType = gtAllData
- Table Explorer
- Tabel Editor
- Invalid json error
- DbBuilder: Dump & Load for SQL Server
- Studio: Table Editor -> Description
- pbResizable on cWebPanel
- Function SyncDDOs of cWebView
- Unload View Problem
- New mobile project through wizards
- paDownloadFolders
- DataFlex - Beta 3 is now available...
- will open forum for vdf 18 beta 3
- Vfd18 beta 3 submenu bug
- MSSQL bad field error.
- Beta 3 error 4402
- File_dlg.pkg / Show_Dialog in Beta 3
- Am I dreaming
- Drilling down and Focus
- Error 4402
- The Filter menuitem in Message Trace does not work
- Request: Adding timestamp to Message Trace
- Focus Pocus
- More focus problems
- Prompt List Search Box
- Error 4402 again
- Arrow key navigation stuck in cWebGrid with Edge
- Possible Typo in cCjCommandBars.pkg
- Workstation Problem
- Help SQLStrFileFieldName
- cDbCJGrid show or not shown record problems.
- Strange Select View Issue
- Dear Santa Stephen.....
- OnDetachProcess / webproperty question
- Migration error from 17.1 to 18.2 b3
- YAFR: Drop Files on to Editor
- I Broke the Studio..
- Help Error
- Can a DBCJGrid be used without pbSuppressCacheError = True?
- default website webappcheck
- Pinned Output Panel "locks" - not new to 18.2
- right click on cjGrid undoes Multi Select.
- Unmigrating a workspace
- Font Library Observation
- Happy New Year
- Expired date exceeded
- Beta Serial Number Expiration
- Iframe and safari
- Studio Error
- Lookup Wizard
- DataFlex - Beta 4 is now available...
- Carryover
- Codejock 17.0 released! Will it make 18.2?
- Bug in Menu beta 4
- Beta 4 and Database Explorer in windows 10
- DbExplorer & Column Attribute Tab
- Field_Default_Value
- psTextColor in cWebForm
- Studio DD Modeler
- pbFillHeight weirdness in cWebTabContainer
- Table Changes
- Too few rows shown in table
- Beta 4 bug in menu 2
- SqlStrAppend %2
- Package versions / FMAC version
- Properties Panel
- cMonthCalendar
- Suggestion: Toolbar Icons
- piListColSpan
- Help of Possible Bug
- Minor WebOrder fix
- StrSplitToArray request
- Why no piCurrentColumn property in cWebList?
- Unknown publisher on beta 4 windows 10
- Comments on 18.2
- Uinteger type gives runtime errors
- Documentation
- Flexcom oddity
- Set_field_ucvalue
- Link Error on Compiling WebApp.exe
- pbSmartRelate gotcha
- Setting psImage is ignored on cWebMenuItem class
- Find Display
- Date column too small in Studio Table Viewer
- Studio suggestion agreed to but overlooked.
- pre and post-compiler steps are much appreciated. Thank you.
- Previewer out of screen... how can I get it back?
- Release Candidate or Next Beta when?
- Studio WS - Selector upon installation.
- Labels different
- Not exactly an error (cWebGroup tranparency)
- ddParentCombo bug
- Structures tab in DD panel of the studio
- DataFlex - Release Candidate is now available...
- RC1 IE:download signature corrupt or invalid
- System Table being cleared. A change in behaviour in Refind_Records?
- RC1 workstation security warning
- Match whole word only
- DataFlex - Release Candidate 2 is now available...
- RC1 "Can't open uninstall.log"
- Error in web lookup wizard RC2
- datetime function DateAddMinute
- Webproperty from menu not active
- cDbCJGridColumn and TimeMask
- DF18.2 cWebParentCombo Bug
- Maximum Text Column Size & the Embedded Database
- Border_Style in dbView
- cDBCJGrid Problem
- It's not too late to fix the cWebTreeView
- CMonthCalendarPromt
- YAFR: Uninstall/Reinstall.
- U_ErrorSystem MUST BE DEFINED on WebApps
- Importing ActiveX Components - Wrong classname in class palette
- Problem on server
- DataFlex 2016 / 18.2 is released!
- Warning message install released
- 18.2 Released Install Question/problem
- 18.2 Can't find Termlist
- Released 18.2
- time mask 18.2
- dbExplorer problem
- A problem with pbSmartRelate
- 18.2 output .def
- Saving a field without DEO in a webview fails
- Testing Forum Closing