View Full Version : DataFlex 2015 Testing (18.1)

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  1. Welcome to DataFlex 2014 - 18.1
  2. The download directory is empty...
  3. Reinstall DR40 problem
  4. WriteData for UChar[]
  5. A couple of observations...
  6. aAdvSyncP Parameter
  7. Data Dictionary Enhancements - Attach_Main_File logic
  8. Data Dictionary Enhancements - Performance Improvement
  9. Changes in Struct and Array Functions - IsSameStruct
  10. Data Dictionary Enhancements - FindByRowIdEx ?
  11. CK stuff, PK and IDENTITY
  12. Speed Testing
  13. More speed testing
  14. I thought you fixed the Migration Wizard.
  15. Exploding breakpoints.
  16. Hear Hoofbeats, Expect horses, not Zebras.
  17. Phones and validation
  18. 18.1 Installation errors
  19. Data Dictionary Improvements – Diamond Relationships
  20. Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1 – Conversion Wizard
  21. Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1 – Conversion Wizard
  22. Upload files demo weborder
  23. BUG: Loss of sequence numbering in identification fields
  24. Confirmation for diamond fix.
  25. Wines are turning on us...
  26. Identity Column Property
  27. DF_FIELD_IS_IDENTITY Attribute
  28. Map_dfascii_to_sqltype
  29. Invalid Message GET_DRAGCLASSNAME
  30. phoDropzone not working within studio
  31. cWebColumnImage: pbImageByCSS=true OnClick doesn't work
  32. Error migrating 18.0 to 18.1
  33. webset pbEnabled to true/false doesn't change tabIndex.
  34. UChar Array Support – Read_Block
  35. RibbonBar
  36. cWebList documentation
  37. cWebList selecting first row not working
  38. Complex WebProperty Support
  39. FileUpload Error
  40. cWebColumnButton and focus
  41. Related fields not showing with a system-file
  42. UChar[] error
  43. Bug in ddextfld.pkg causes fatal error
  44. pbPassword on cWebColumn object
  45. cWebColumnButton - save new line
  46. Studio previewer thing
  47. Compile Error 4367 BinaryInsertSearchPosition
  48. pbReadOnly on cWebColumnCheckbox
  49. Install error - 18.1 took out my 18.0
  50. Database Explorer 18.1
  51. Next Alpha
  52. Interesting report that should interest DF developers
  53. Can not set RowId
  54. DF18.1A2: cWebMenuButton
  55. DF18.1A2: Edit Button
  56. Bug: Manualloaddata in cWebgrid
  57. dbSugesstion new options
  58. Dynamic dd options
  59. Introducing the Moble/Touch Application Style
  60. Alpha 2 Issuse on Surface
  61. DF18A2: DD Batch Process
  62. Webapp license problem after install 18.1 alfa 2
  63. DF181A2: Installed using Shortname - why?
  64. Webordermobile on PC with touchscreen
  65. Login problem
  66. alpha 2: scrolling in order detail
  67. Mobile cWebColumnButton
  68. All wrong icons in mobile app.
  69. When a cWebSpacer isn't a spacer
  70. DF181A2: Lags BIG time
  71. Maybe I'm missing something?
  72. DF181A2: Crash uploading 7GB file
  73. BUG: cWebSuggestionForm::OnFindSuggestions doesn't always fire !?
  74. Mobile Framework CSS and Samsung S4
  75. pbRender in alpha 2
  76. BUG: cWebGrid becomes READ-ONLY, if first column is set as pbRender=False
  77. DF18.1 does not support ICO files as images !?
  78. Mobile Aplication
  79. Request change in IsDataInvalid function for DataDictionary class
  80. Request for cursor keys in button class
  81. Request to add missing Escape key to various GUI control classes
  82. dbSuggestionForm peSuggestionMode smValidationTable
  83. Making a false entry_state on a (db)Form work correctly
  84. Glitch when scrolling in previewer with a control selected
  85. Installing Alpha 2 removed my file associations for 18.0
  86. Two WebApps in the same EXE
  87. cTextEdit bug
  88. Windows Server 2003 VDF18.1
  89. Error 4402 When running PSQL
  90. Checkbox and lpTop
  91. Update Weblist Constrain
  92. DataFlex 2014/18.1 Alpha 3 is released!
  93. BUG: SuggestionForm::pbCaseSensitive does NOT work with SQL Tables
  94. New SetDynamicEnabled procedure causing havok !
  95. Responsive Design
  96. cWebSpinForm
  97. WebSetResponsiveness on piHeight and piWidth (df18.1a3)
  98. migration and testing 18.1 from 18.0
  99. desktop-style cWebPanel pbRender issue
  100. Flat Touch theme
  101. Search Mobile
  102. Examples On Line
  103. Standard cWebMenuGroup/cWebActionBar ?
  104. Is cWebModalDialog for Promptlist even necessary ?
  105. Struct as byref parameter
  106. Feature request Output DEF files from Studio Table Editor
  107. View stack Object missing using drill down style
  108. Indices a mess
  109. YAFR: Am I licensed for CKs?
  110. Error 4402 if peWebViewStyle=wvsDrillDown
  111. WebIcon_Email
  112. psImage properties ignored or not displayed
  113. uChar and cWebHtmlBox
  114. Fmac_revision
  115. Let flex-code have a say when CSS is being defined
  116. Invalid CDS node handle
  117. Please report this error to Data Access Corporation
  118. DF18.1: New Web Framework
  119. YAFR audio signal at breakpoints
  120. DF18.1: New Menu Button
  121. Ctrl+F7 in source code object
  122. 18.1A3 Field_Current_Value and Text fields returns corrupt data
  123. latest changes in cCryptographer.pkg AcquireContext (18.1a3)
  124. Cannot Find Lock File
  125. WebAppUser.LastLogin
  126. When, Where and How? Constraining records across views.
  127. Vdf alpha 3 - Error:999
  128. Web Lookup Wizard - Field list disabled
  129. Zoom views and "Edit Mode"
  130. Library Workspace for web components
  131. Important Changes in Beta 1
  132. Battles with refilling a cWebCombo
  133. Upgrade codejock components
  134. Add pre- or postfix to classes importet from ActiveX control
  135. cDbCJGrid.pkg: Parameter mismatch invoking RefreshDataFromDD
  136. The DataFlex 2014/18.1 Beta 1 Released!
  137. Web object sizing error
  138. pbShowCaption funniness
  139. DF18.1B1 SyncDDOs error
  140. Alpha 3 uninstall issue
  141. DataFlex 18.1 beta 1 - Error pre compile system packages
  142. download link on dataaccess.com home page still talks about alpha 3
  143. Hangup on popup modal Add_Focus when restoring locations.
  144. WebAppCheckHelp
  145. cWebTreeView in mobile theme
  146. Feature request: QR scan code hocus pocus
  147. psEncryptPassword not set error message
  148. NavigateNewWindow
  149. Error: 4399
  150. Df 18.1 beta 1 - error 4305
  151. DF18.1 B1: Field_CommitNoEnterOnIndex
  152. Windows 8.1 and the Studio
  153. Beta 1 Product maintenance - Unhandled program error
  154. Dragging from DDO Explorer to source code
  155. COM object method invocation error. Invalid CDS node handle
  156. pbCancelOnBackgroundClick on cWebApp class suggestion
  157. Previewer repsonsive aid
  158. Still time to signup for tomorrow's Webinar!
  159. Comboform label bug?
  160. Wait Dialog - Sizing error ? - DF 18.1 Beta 1
  161. DF 18.1 B1: Script Error in Studio, followed by Error 4399
  162. landscape mode problem
  163. Zoom Setup Wizard
  164. Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1
  165. DF18.1 B1: WebGroups misaligned if pbShowCaption=FALSE
  166. DF18.1 B1: OnChangeRights doesn't fire in cWebMenuButton
  167. Wizard
  168. Error 4399
  169. 4399 Error
  170. XML to ValueTree being called using an empty XML handle
  171. Mobile/Touch Question
  172. V99 Compile
  173. DF 18.1 B1 - CodeSense get lost when using Array as index for another Struct_array
  174. GetNamedValue/SetNamedValue in wrong place
  175. Suggestion, improved wizard weblookup
  176. BUG in the database builder and table editor
  177. Decrumbing
  178. FindByRowIdEx syntax?
  179. 18.1 Wizard sortable index
  180. 18.1 Webapp Tab Dialog
  181. DF 18.1 B1: New Business Proccess template code - Set xxx to xxx
  182. 4399 error
  183. Firefox Developer Edition
  184. Error in cWebView in SetNamedValue method
  185. pbResizeable
  186. Case Flow Issue
  187. Place holder text and Uppercase
  188. Need error explaination
  189. rebuild_Constraints doc error
  190. DrillDown and Navigate Forwards
  191. ScriptERROR in the editor
  192. Can't migrate to 18.1
  193. Error 4402 (what again?)
  194. Is it possible to handle native buttons of mobile devices ?
  195. cWebMenuItem Image Bug
  196. Field_Defaults Not Sticking on cWebGrids
  197. Search form act like suggestion form
  198. WebSetResponsive
  199. When DF 18.1 is expected to be completed
  200. Time to fix some long standing niggles
  201. Web Desktop and Mobile app in the same webapplication
  202. Date Selector running on iPad
  203. cWebList - non database aware issue
  204. Big form to mobile
  205. Where is Prompt Button in WebApp examples?
  206. CodeJock Menu gone Balck
  207. Field_Mask on DateTime and CK
  208. Setting a Null Relationship During a Cascade Delete - Is it CascadeDeleteParentNull or CascadeDeleteNull ?
  209. 18.1 webapp public examples
  210. Why validate entire cascade delete structure when CascadeDeleteNull is True?
  211. Creating table goes wrong if no index created
  212. Vertical Aligment of cWebButton
  213. No Confirmation
  214. pbUseDDSQLFilters how about ordering?
  215. YAFR: SQLStrStartsWith
  216. Strange behavior - cWebGroup
  217. OnNavigateForward and SetViewReadOnly
  218. Navigation logic issue
  219. web spinner
  220. ReSyncRecord
  221. SaveAsDialog
  222. UserError
  223. cWebModalDialog and piWidth
  224. cWebGroup Render problem
  225. Validation Codes Mainenance source
  226. WebModalDialog
  227. 4399 Error
  228. Previewer
  229. cWebTabDialog 18.1 mobile
  230. cWebTabContainer
  231. Save Changes Before Closing
  232. cWebColumnLink
  233. ComboForms being highlighted after resize
  234. Beta 2 is comming and here are some important items you need to know...
  235. DataFlex 2014/18.1 Beta 2 is Released!
  236. Studio Font question
  237. DDSQLFilter on parent table works! (somehow)
  238. Bug in OnPostApplySkin
  239. wait indicator going too long
  240. Delay when returning from drill down.
  241. Navigation through tabs
  242. Invalid HTML in cWebColumnCheckbox?
  243. Releasing DataFlex 18.1
  244. SetActionMode
  245. cWebImage - UpdateLocalImage
  246. Installed beta2 and got HTTP 404
  247. John john
  248. df18.1
  249. setCalculatedValue Enabled
  250. cWebSuggestionForm list not anchored to object!?