- Welcome to DataFlex 2014 - 18.1
- The download directory is empty...
- Reinstall DR40 problem
- WriteData for UChar[]
- A couple of observations...
- aAdvSyncP Parameter
- Data Dictionary Enhancements - Attach_Main_File logic
- Data Dictionary Enhancements - Performance Improvement
- Changes in Struct and Array Functions - IsSameStruct
- Data Dictionary Enhancements - FindByRowIdEx ?
- CK stuff, PK and IDENTITY
- Speed Testing
- More speed testing
- I thought you fixed the Migration Wizard.
- Exploding breakpoints.
- Hear Hoofbeats, Expect horses, not Zebras.
- Phones and validation
- 18.1 Installation errors
- Data Dictionary Improvements – Diamond Relationships
- Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1 – Conversion Wizard
- Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1 – Conversion Wizard
- Upload files demo weborder
- BUG: Loss of sequence numbering in identification fields
- Confirmation for diamond fix.
- Wines are turning on us...
- Identity Column Property
- Map_dfascii_to_sqltype
- phoDropzone not working within studio
- cWebColumnImage: pbImageByCSS=true OnClick doesn't work
- Error migrating 18.0 to 18.1
- webset pbEnabled to true/false doesn't change tabIndex.
- UChar Array Support – Read_Block
- RibbonBar
- cWebList documentation
- cWebList selecting first row not working
- Complex WebProperty Support
- FileUpload Error
- cWebColumnButton and focus
- Related fields not showing with a system-file
- UChar[] error
- Bug in ddextfld.pkg causes fatal error
- pbPassword on cWebColumn object
- cWebColumnButton - save new line
- Studio previewer thing
- Compile Error 4367 BinaryInsertSearchPosition
- pbReadOnly on cWebColumnCheckbox
- Install error - 18.1 took out my 18.0
- Database Explorer 18.1
- Next Alpha
- Interesting report that should interest DF developers
- Can not set RowId
- DF18.1A2: cWebMenuButton
- DF18.1A2: Edit Button
- Bug: Manualloaddata in cWebgrid
- dbSugesstion new options
- Dynamic dd options
- Introducing the Moble/Touch Application Style
- Alpha 2 Issuse on Surface
- DF18A2: DD Batch Process
- Webapp license problem after install 18.1 alfa 2
- DF181A2: Installed using Shortname - why?
- Webordermobile on PC with touchscreen
- Login problem
- alpha 2: scrolling in order detail
- Mobile cWebColumnButton
- All wrong icons in mobile app.
- When a cWebSpacer isn't a spacer
- DF181A2: Lags BIG time
- Maybe I'm missing something?
- DF181A2: Crash uploading 7GB file
- BUG: cWebSuggestionForm::OnFindSuggestions doesn't always fire !?
- Mobile Framework CSS and Samsung S4
- pbRender in alpha 2
- BUG: cWebGrid becomes READ-ONLY, if first column is set as pbRender=False
- DF18.1 does not support ICO files as images !?
- Mobile Aplication
- Request change in IsDataInvalid function for DataDictionary class
- Request for cursor keys in button class
- Request to add missing Escape key to various GUI control classes
- dbSuggestionForm peSuggestionMode smValidationTable
- Making a false entry_state on a (db)Form work correctly
- Glitch when scrolling in previewer with a control selected
- Installing Alpha 2 removed my file associations for 18.0
- Two WebApps in the same EXE
- cTextEdit bug
- Windows Server 2003 VDF18.1
- Error 4402 When running PSQL
- Checkbox and lpTop
- Update Weblist Constrain
- DataFlex 2014/18.1 Alpha 3 is released!
- BUG: SuggestionForm::pbCaseSensitive does NOT work with SQL Tables
- New SetDynamicEnabled procedure causing havok !
- Responsive Design
- cWebSpinForm
- WebSetResponsiveness on piHeight and piWidth (df18.1a3)
- migration and testing 18.1 from 18.0
- desktop-style cWebPanel pbRender issue
- Flat Touch theme
- Search Mobile
- Examples On Line
- Standard cWebMenuGroup/cWebActionBar ?
- Is cWebModalDialog for Promptlist even necessary ?
- Struct as byref parameter
- Feature request Output DEF files from Studio Table Editor
- View stack Object missing using drill down style
- Indices a mess
- YAFR: Am I licensed for CKs?
- Error 4402 if peWebViewStyle=wvsDrillDown
- WebIcon_Email
- psImage properties ignored or not displayed
- uChar and cWebHtmlBox
- Fmac_revision
- Let flex-code have a say when CSS is being defined
- Invalid CDS node handle
- Please report this error to Data Access Corporation
- DF18.1: New Web Framework
- YAFR audio signal at breakpoints
- DF18.1: New Menu Button
- Ctrl+F7 in source code object
- 18.1A3 Field_Current_Value and Text fields returns corrupt data
- latest changes in cCryptographer.pkg AcquireContext (18.1a3)
- Cannot Find Lock File
- WebAppUser.LastLogin
- When, Where and How? Constraining records across views.
- Vdf alpha 3 - Error:999
- Web Lookup Wizard - Field list disabled
- Zoom views and "Edit Mode"
- Library Workspace for web components
- Important Changes in Beta 1
- Battles with refilling a cWebCombo
- Upgrade codejock components
- Add pre- or postfix to classes importet from ActiveX control
- cDbCJGrid.pkg: Parameter mismatch invoking RefreshDataFromDD
- The DataFlex 2014/18.1 Beta 1 Released!
- Web object sizing error
- pbShowCaption funniness
- DF18.1B1 SyncDDOs error
- Alpha 3 uninstall issue
- DataFlex 18.1 beta 1 - Error pre compile system packages
- download link on dataaccess.com home page still talks about alpha 3
- Hangup on popup modal Add_Focus when restoring locations.
- WebAppCheckHelp
- cWebTreeView in mobile theme
- Feature request: QR scan code hocus pocus
- psEncryptPassword not set error message
- NavigateNewWindow
- Error: 4399
- Df 18.1 beta 1 - error 4305
- DF18.1 B1: Field_CommitNoEnterOnIndex
- Windows 8.1 and the Studio
- Beta 1 Product maintenance - Unhandled program error
- Dragging from DDO Explorer to source code
- COM object method invocation error. Invalid CDS node handle
- pbCancelOnBackgroundClick on cWebApp class suggestion
- Previewer repsonsive aid
- Still time to signup for tomorrow's Webinar!
- Comboform label bug?
- Wait Dialog - Sizing error ? - DF 18.1 Beta 1
- DF 18.1 B1: Script Error in Studio, followed by Error 4399
- landscape mode problem
- Zoom Setup Wizard
- Connectivity in DataFlex 18.1
- DF18.1 B1: WebGroups misaligned if pbShowCaption=FALSE
- DF18.1 B1: OnChangeRights doesn't fire in cWebMenuButton
- Wizard
- Error 4399
- 4399 Error
- XML to ValueTree being called using an empty XML handle
- Mobile/Touch Question
- V99 Compile
- DF 18.1 B1 - CodeSense get lost when using Array as index for another Struct_array
- GetNamedValue/SetNamedValue in wrong place
- Suggestion, improved wizard weblookup
- BUG in the database builder and table editor
- Decrumbing
- FindByRowIdEx syntax?
- 18.1 Wizard sortable index
- 18.1 Webapp Tab Dialog
- DF 18.1 B1: New Business Proccess template code - Set xxx to xxx
- 4399 error
- Firefox Developer Edition
- Error in cWebView in SetNamedValue method
- pbResizeable
- Case Flow Issue
- Place holder text and Uppercase
- Need error explaination
- rebuild_Constraints doc error
- DrillDown and Navigate Forwards
- ScriptERROR in the editor
- Can't migrate to 18.1
- Error 4402 (what again?)
- Is it possible to handle native buttons of mobile devices ?
- cWebMenuItem Image Bug
- Field_Defaults Not Sticking on cWebGrids
- Search form act like suggestion form
- WebSetResponsive
- When DF 18.1 is expected to be completed
- Time to fix some long standing niggles
- Web Desktop and Mobile app in the same webapplication
- Date Selector running on iPad
- cWebList - non database aware issue
- Big form to mobile
- Where is Prompt Button in WebApp examples?
- CodeJock Menu gone Balck
- Field_Mask on DateTime and CK
- Setting a Null Relationship During a Cascade Delete - Is it CascadeDeleteParentNull or CascadeDeleteNull ?
- 18.1 webapp public examples
- Why validate entire cascade delete structure when CascadeDeleteNull is True?
- Creating table goes wrong if no index created
- Vertical Aligment of cWebButton
- No Confirmation
- pbUseDDSQLFilters how about ordering?
- YAFR: SQLStrStartsWith
- Strange behavior - cWebGroup
- OnNavigateForward and SetViewReadOnly
- Navigation logic issue
- web spinner
- ReSyncRecord
- SaveAsDialog
- UserError
- cWebModalDialog and piWidth
- cWebGroup Render problem
- Validation Codes Mainenance source
- WebModalDialog
- 4399 Error
- Previewer
- cWebTabDialog 18.1 mobile
- cWebTabContainer
- Save Changes Before Closing
- cWebColumnLink
- ComboForms being highlighted after resize
- Beta 2 is comming and here are some important items you need to know...
- DataFlex 2014/18.1 Beta 2 is Released!
- Studio Font question
- DDSQLFilter on parent table works! (somehow)
- Bug in OnPostApplySkin
- wait indicator going too long
- Delay when returning from drill down.
- Navigation through tabs
- Invalid HTML in cWebColumnCheckbox?
- Releasing DataFlex 18.1
- SetActionMode
- cWebImage - UpdateLocalImage
- Installed beta2 and got HTTP 404
- John john
- df18.1
- setCalculatedValue Enabled
- cWebSuggestionForm list not anchored to object!?