- Calendar control
- If you download this, you will need...
- Internet Connected
- EventHandler - acts like VB's DoEvent
- Log record save and delete
- YASP (Yet Another Status Panel :-)
- 2D-Graphics
- Slightly OT - Help Authoring tool
- compress files
- WASP bug for Sture
- Crystal Report RDC
- Re: Add text file log to any DD
- Routines for Popuping up PopupMenus
- Exactus Pro 2005 - First VDF aplication distribuited by Spanish Site
- Autocomplete
- Windows spool printing without a driver.
- Frank Cheng Productions is up.
- TreeListView
- Can I post a 2MB file here?
- Windows API Call Database
- Log all Saves and Deletes -- Missing Records
- Open Workspace program
- XML for DataFlex 3.2
- Frank Valcarcelīs Outlook Interface
- VDFQuery Settings
- RTF_TO_TEXT function
- VDFQuery 2.3 Available for Download
- Re: Duplicate_Record for cMyDataDictionary
- Autocomplete and vdf11
- Autocomplete
- OT: NT 4.0 Task Scheduler
- OT: Attn Sture - minor problem ?
- VDFquery.ini
- Shared memory DLL
- New AUTOGEN for DF32-DD Support
- Split function for VDF11 - TestSplitArray.vw (0/1)
- Split function for VDF11 - TestSplitArray.vw (1/1)
- Credit Card Validation
- Autocomplete question
- VDFGraph bug!
- Test
- Sorting non-db grid
- Toolbar icons (where to find)
- Re: TreeListView - fcptreelistview.zip (1/1)
- NSLookup
- NSLookup
- NSLookup
- Efficient method to be sure one program is Run only once
- Autocomplete (index with more fields)
- Turn on/off monitor
- Windows API Database for VDF
- Re: Tooltips for dbGrid and Grid column headers.
- Re: Windows API Database for VDF
- CRC32 ?
- Tooltips for dbGrid and Grid column headers.
- VCP_HeaderToolTip.pkg
- Smooth Inserting with DBGrids
- Spellcheck problem
- Attn: Sture
- Crystal Reports XI Runtime Installer
- RTF to HTML Package
- Search for software support application
- dbreportview compile error in VDF11.1
- VDFQuery XML Output
- Multimedia E-Learning Videos Relocated
- Country Codes
- dbEdit showing euro symbol
- dbEdit showing euro symbol
- Improved Start Center
- Re: Improved Start Center
- Release of PdMaker Utility
- Order of Events
- RC4 Encryption with Base64 encoding/decoding for DataFlex 3.01/3.2
- WASP Error Message - Sture
- TranLock.Pkg Version 2
- pbEnterKeyAsTabKey and grids?
- New Multimedia Presentation: BPO's and Statlog Utility
- Re: WASP Error Message - Sture
- Re: WASP Error Message - Sture
- View_Latch_State and dbReportView
- new auto-increment
- 90 messages??
- Entry_Item expression
- ChilKat Email OCX Code
- Dos To Windows Conversion Utility Package
- DF formal language description
- Compose and Send RTF or HTML email
- Keyboard Input Emulation
- My WebApp Builder project - info
- Free code
- Functions to add floating currency symbol in WinPrint II
- Can't Find Original Post: "How to auto-fill a webpage and submit."
- Website counter for Electos
- Tobit David-Package with some basic functions
- VDFQuery 2.3 HTML output
- VDFQuery 2.3 Save button
- Excel ActiveX package
- medical office scheduling/medical records systems
- Winprint using gFormatNumbers mask A2W_MaskPrint.pkg - A2W_MaskPrint.pkg (0/1)
- Winprint using gFormatNumbers mask A2W_MaskPrint.pkg - A2W_MaskPrint.pkg (1/1)
- A Busy / Please Wait box
- how to get object type?
- VDFQuery calender doesn't work on non-db aware forms
- Field selection wizard
- Struct Generator
- VDF7 compiler check.
- Re: VDF7 compiler check. - File 1 of 1 - VDF_CP_CHK.VD7 (2/2)
- Open File Dialog
- Strange Autocomplete problem.
- dbGridAutocomplete question
- The Hammer and DF character mode
- Visual DataFlex eLearning Videos (7) Change
- Sample Example Of Using DDO's in BPO WORKSPACE
- VDF12 - Correct Case in Tag Files
- Test
- Multimedia Video Sonata Software 4 Sample Code
- Multimedia Video Sonata Software 5 Sample Code
- Multimedia Video Sonata Software 6 Sample Source Code
- Multimedia Video Sonata Software 7 Sample Source Code
- Lack of contrast in VDFQuery 2.3
- Two different increment field in a same file
- Please take a look
- VDFQuery Bug
- RoloFLEX 12.3 Released
- VDFQuery 2.4 beta-1 (VDF 12 only)
- Systray Message class
- Bitmaps for toolbar buttons
- cWinEx and Vista
- cWinButton - Vdf12
- Global for 12
- Active ToolBar
- Fkcalc.pkg new syntax in VDF12
- Skipping row based on record property
- VDF Structure Viewer for VDF 12 available for download
- OT: Maintenance tool
- Add-on to RoloFlex
- Modified ProcessMessages Package
- Simple Division Function with no loss...
- Find within embedded SQL returned dataset
- Add Menu to a view or dialog
- Fall-Thru Selection List And Add-New Dialog
- SaveHeader Function replacement
- VDFQUERY - Expressions
- Linus Torvalds on versioning....
- variable file hiding - vdfquery 1.7
- Fastview error
- Codejock Diary System
- VDFQuery 2.4 available
- Compressing a data folder into a zip file - VDF 12.1
- QuizMaster Manager Open Source is Now Released
- dbImport
- dbImport update to 12.x
- Update Available
- Source code compare tip
- Point in Polygon
- STURE - Possible Vdfq24 problem ?
- WASP Error?
- cMRURecentFiles cCJMenuItem
- Copy Record Without Alias Code
- Re: VDFWiki
- AutoComplete
- 12.1 & AutoComplete
- Re: VDFWiki
- CodeJock
- User access system for VDF 12.1 using Codejock menus
- Shrinking Dialogs/Lookups when using Skins
- Electos Quick Start available in Spanish
- Stsync for 12.0 & 12.1
- OT:Small Shots of VDF for the Spanish Speaking Community
- VDF Spy in Studio 12.1 compatible format
- Runprogram wait or background
- I get error compiling anyflex for VDF 12.1
- Unused Local Variables
- Compilererror 4328 in fastview (dfquery24)
- VDFQ 2.4 HexToString
- Autocomplete using constraints
- New auto locate mixin for multiple monitors
- a definitionproblem in regcheck.pkg
- edit text fields with anyflex (DefineAllExtendedFields)
- CrossMerge as Open Source Released!
- DBGRID AutoComplete
- Add icons with subset of images to CodeJock CommandBars.
- VDFQuery and StatusPanel
- vdfquery - VPE Embedded Preview (vdf14)
- VDFQuery 2.4b for VDF 12.x and VDF 2008 available
- VDFQuery 2.4b addendum
- Codejock Diary System Ver 2 Open Source Now Available
- Excel
- VDFSIG Codejock Library - Zip Version
- QuizMaster Manager 2008 Open Source is available for download
- Copy records from database to database
- StSync
- AutoComplete Numeric_Search
- cNewSet.pkg
- Open Source RoloFlex
- VDFQuery Library
- SQL / SQL_Filters Enabled For_All
- Winprint2 & CSV
- Global
- Text compare function - generalTextCompare.txt (0/1)
- Text compare function - generalTextCompare.txt (1/1)
- Menu.dat Export report
- QuizMaster Manager 2009 Open source is available for download
- Tooltip.000
- QuizMaster Manager 2009 Update
- OT: Tortoise with VDF-Guidance
- Sig Codejock Classes - update notice
- cjSIG
- Migrate a single dd to 14.1
- Autocomplete problem at first opening
- TryCath
- Displaying JPEGs and other image files in VDF applications
- QuizMaster Manager 2009.3 Open Source is available for immediate download!
- Colum questions
- DataFlex support in Notepad++
- VDFQuery and TEXT fields
- dbImport Update
- Excel 2003 or 2007
- ChilKat email OCX -VDF wrapper class
- VDF14.1 compile error VDFQuery item
- vdfquery 2.4b bug
- VDFQuery Download
- TitleCase Function
- Convert Case to Mixed Case Function
- Start DBExplorer/DBBuilder from your application
- Batch Compile
- Error Unable to load DLL, FCP.DLL
- Odd Query error
- Checkbox mixin
- TortoiseSVN cache
- Sisaex
- Dbform_AutoComplete x dbModalPanel
- Size of Query_vw in VDFQuery
- VDF library for FogBugz
- question to regcheck.pkg
- Outlook like programming example from Vincent Oorsprong
- Date Control- Without Calendar
- VDFQuery progress sentinel
- Addition to vWin32fh
- AutoComplete Library Released
- Record Counts
- Additional versions of the VDF Structure Viewer available
- Fastview changes to compile in VDF15
- Is this under "What's New"?