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  1. Calendar control
  2. If you download this, you will need...
  3. Internet Connected
  4. EventHandler - acts like VB's DoEvent
  5. Log record save and delete
  6. YASP (Yet Another Status Panel :-)
  7. 2D-Graphics
  8. Slightly OT - Help Authoring tool
  9. compress files
  10. WASP bug for Sture
  11. Crystal Report RDC
  12. Re: Add text file log to any DD
  13. Routines for Popuping up PopupMenus
  14. Exactus Pro 2005 - First VDF aplication distribuited by Spanish Site
  15. Autocomplete
  16. Windows spool printing without a driver.
  17. Frank Cheng Productions is up.
  18. TreeListView
  19. Can I post a 2MB file here?
  20. Windows API Call Database
  21. Log all Saves and Deletes -- Missing Records
  22. Open Workspace program
  23. XML for DataFlex 3.2
  24. Frank Valcarcelīs Outlook Interface
  25. VDFQuery Settings
  26. RTF_TO_TEXT function
  27. VDFQuery 2.3 Available for Download
  28. Re: Duplicate_Record for cMyDataDictionary
  29. Autocomplete and vdf11
  31. Autocomplete
  32. OT: NT 4.0 Task Scheduler
  33. OT: Attn Sture - minor problem ?
  34. VDFquery.ini
  35. Shared memory DLL
  36. New AUTOGEN for DF32-DD Support
  37. Split function for VDF11 - TestSplitArray.vw (0/1)
  38. Split function for VDF11 - TestSplitArray.vw (1/1)
  39. Credit Card Validation
  40. Autocomplete question
  41. VDFGraph bug!
  42. Test
  43. Sorting non-db grid
  44. Toolbar icons (where to find)
  45. Re: TreeListView - fcptreelistview.zip (1/1)
  46. NSLookup
  47. NSLookup
  48. NSLookup
  50. Efficient method to be sure one program is Run only once
  51. Autocomplete (index with more fields)
  52. Turn on/off monitor
  53. Windows API Database for VDF
  54. Re: Tooltips for dbGrid and Grid column headers.
  55. Re: Windows API Database for VDF
  56. CRC32 ?
  57. Tooltips for dbGrid and Grid column headers.
  58. VCP_HeaderToolTip.pkg
  59. Smooth Inserting with DBGrids
  60. Spellcheck problem
  61. Attn: Sture
  62. Crystal Reports XI Runtime Installer
  63. RTF to HTML Package
  64. Search for software support application
  65. dbreportview compile error in VDF11.1
  66. VDFQuery XML Output
  67. Multimedia E-Learning Videos Relocated
  68. Country Codes
  69. dbEdit showing euro symbol
  70. dbEdit showing euro symbol
  71. Improved Start Center
  72. Re: Improved Start Center
  73. Release of PdMaker Utility
  74. Order of Events
  75. RC4 Encryption with Base64 encoding/decoding for DataFlex 3.01/3.2
  76. WASP Error Message - Sture
  77. TranLock.Pkg Version 2
  78. pbEnterKeyAsTabKey and grids?
  79. New Multimedia Presentation: BPO's and Statlog Utility
  80. Re: WASP Error Message - Sture
  81. Re: WASP Error Message - Sture
  82. View_Latch_State and dbReportView
  83. new auto-increment
  84. 90 messages??
  85. Entry_Item expression
  86. ChilKat Email OCX Code
  87. Dos To Windows Conversion Utility Package
  88. RTF_to_HTML
  89. DF formal language description
  90. Compose and Send RTF or HTML email
  91. Keyboard Input Emulation
  92. My WebApp Builder project - info
  93. Free code
  94. Functions to add floating currency symbol in WinPrint II
  95. Can't Find Original Post: "How to auto-fill a webpage and submit."
  96. Website counter for Electos
  97. Tobit David-Package with some basic functions
  98. VDFQuery 2.3 HTML output
  99. VDFQuery 2.3 Save button
  100. Excel ActiveX package
  101. medical office scheduling/medical records systems
  102. Winprint using gFormatNumbers mask A2W_MaskPrint.pkg - A2W_MaskPrint.pkg (0/1)
  103. Winprint using gFormatNumbers mask A2W_MaskPrint.pkg - A2W_MaskPrint.pkg (1/1)
  104. A Busy / Please Wait box
  105. how to get object type?
  106. VDFQuery calender doesn't work on non-db aware forms
  107. Field selection wizard
  108. Struct Generator
  109. VDF7 compiler check.
  110. Re: VDF7 compiler check. - File 1 of 1 - VDF_CP_CHK.VD7 (2/2)
  111. Open File Dialog
  112. Strange Autocomplete problem.
  113. dbGridAutocomplete question
  114. The Hammer and DF character mode
  115. Visual DataFlex eLearning Videos (7) Change
  116. Sample Example Of Using DDO's in BPO WORKSPACE
  117. VDF12 - Correct Case in Tag Files
  118. Test
  119. Multimedia Video Sonata Software 4 Sample Code
  120. Multimedia Video Sonata Software 5 Sample Code
  121. Multimedia Video Sonata Software 6 Sample Source Code
  122. Multimedia Video Sonata Software 7 Sample Source Code
  123. Lack of contrast in VDFQuery 2.3
  124. Two different increment field in a same file
  125. Please take a look
  126. FREE (No Shipping Cost) PERSONAL ROLODEX
  127. VDFQuery Bug
  128. RoloFLEX 12.3 Released
  129. VDFQuery 2.4 beta-1 (VDF 12 only)
  130. Systray Message class
  131. Bitmaps for toolbar buttons
  132. cWinEx and Vista
  133. cWinButton - Vdf12
  134. VDFVCS
  135. Global for 12
  136. Active ToolBar
  137. Fkcalc.pkg new syntax in VDF12
  138. Skipping row based on record property
  139. *** UPGRADE TO ROLOFLEX ***
  140. VDF Structure Viewer for VDF 12 available for download
  141. OT: Maintenance tool
  142. Add-on to RoloFlex
  143. Modified ProcessMessages Package
  144. Simple Division Function with no loss...
  145. Find within embedded SQL returned dataset
  146. Add Menu to a view or dialog
  147. Fall-Thru Selection List And Add-New Dialog
  148. SaveHeader Function replacement
  149. VDFQUERY - Expressions
  150. Linus Torvalds on versioning....
  151. variable file hiding - vdfquery 1.7
  152. Fastview error
  153. Codejock Diary System
  154. VDFQuery 2.4 available
  155. Compressing a data folder into a zip file - VDF 12.1
  156. QuizMaster Manager Open Source is Now Released
  157. dbImport
  158. dbImport update to 12.x
  159. Update Available
  160. Source code compare tip
  161. Point in Polygon
  162. STURE - Possible Vdfq24 problem ?
  163. WASP Error?
  164. cMRURecentFiles cCJMenuItem
  165. Copy Record Without Alias Code
  166. Re: VDFWiki
  167. AutoComplete
  168. 12.1 & AutoComplete
  169. Re: VDFWiki
  170. CodeJock
  171. User access system for VDF 12.1 using Codejock menus
  172. Shrinking Dialogs/Lookups when using Skins
  173. Electos Quick Start available in Spanish
  174. Stsync for 12.0 & 12.1
  175. OT:Small Shots of VDF for the Spanish Speaking Community
  176. VDF Spy in Studio 12.1 compatible format
  177. Runprogram wait or background
  178. I get error compiling anyflex for VDF 12.1
  179. Unused Local Variables
  180. Compilererror 4328 in fastview (dfquery24)
  181. VDFQ 2.4 HexToString
  182. Autocomplete using constraints
  183. New auto locate mixin for multiple monitors
  184. a definitionproblem in regcheck.pkg
  185. edit text fields with anyflex (DefineAllExtendedFields)
  186. CrossMerge as Open Source Released!
  187. DBGRID AutoComplete
  188. Add icons with subset of images to CodeJock CommandBars.
  189. VDFQuery and StatusPanel
  190. vdfquery - VPE Embedded Preview (vdf14)
  191. VDFQuery 2.4b for VDF 12.x and VDF 2008 available
  192. VDFQuery 2.4b addendum
  193. Codejock Diary System Ver 2 Open Source Now Available
  194. Excel
  195. VDFSIG Codejock Library - Zip Version
  196. QuizMaster Manager 2008 Open Source is available for download
  197. Copy records from database to database
  198. StSync
  199. AutoComplete Numeric_Search
  200. cNewSet.pkg
  201. Open Source RoloFlex
  202. VDFQuery Library
  203. SQL / SQL_Filters Enabled For_All
  204. Winprint2 & CSV
  205. Global
  206. Text compare function - generalTextCompare.txt (0/1)
  207. Text compare function - generalTextCompare.txt (1/1)
  208. Menu.dat Export report
  209. QuizMaster Manager 2009 Open source is available for download
  210. Tooltip.000
  211. QuizMaster Manager 2009 Update
  212. OT: Tortoise with VDF-Guidance
  213. Sig Codejock Classes - update notice
  214. cjSIG
  215. Migrate a single dd to 14.1
  216. Autocomplete problem at first opening
  217. TryCath
  218. Displaying JPEGs and other image files in VDF applications
  219. QuizMaster Manager 2009.3 Open Source is available for immediate download!
  220. Colum questions
  221. DataFlex support in Notepad++
  222. VDFQuery and TEXT fields
  223. dbImport Update
  224. Excel 2003 or 2007
  225. ChilKat email OCX -VDF wrapper class
  226. VDF14.1 compile error VDFQuery item
  227. vdfquery 2.4b bug
  228. VDFQuery Download
  229. TitleCase Function
  230. Convert Case to Mixed Case Function
  231. Start DBExplorer/DBBuilder from your application
  232. Batch Compile
  233. Error Unable to load DLL, FCP.DLL
  234. Odd Query error
  235. Checkbox mixin
  236. TortoiseSVN cache
  237. Sisaex
  238. Dbform_AutoComplete x dbModalPanel
  239. Size of Query_vw in VDFQuery
  240. VDF library for FogBugz
  241. question to regcheck.pkg
  242. Outlook like programming example from Vincent Oorsprong
  243. Date Control- Without Calendar
  244. VDFQuery progress sentinel
  245. Addition to vWin32fh
  246. AutoComplete Library Released
  247. Record Counts
  248. Additional versions of the VDF Structure Viewer available
  249. Fastview changes to compile in VDF15
  250. Is this under "What's New"?