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  1. Visual Report Writer Alpha 1 available for download!
  2. Important Information from the Visual Report Writer Alpha 1 ReadMe
  3. Post-webinar questions
  4. Can create a new report
  5. How to add standard functions like Page#
  6. Expert Mode
  7. Evaluation License has expired
  8. Stored Procs as Data Source
  9. Wow...
  10. About dialog problem
  11. Request: Dynamically changing reports... Report file format? API?
  12. Feature Request: Hyperlinks
  13. It will be nice, I think you are on a right way
  14. Import .rpt files?
  15. Visual Report Writer / Any chance to get running on VDF15
  16. Sql
  17. Submitting bugs
  18. Please dont forget a good integration in Web/Ajax
  19. Screenshots, please?
  20. Any details on new VDF 'Format Field' controls?
  21. Suggestion: Selecting DataFiles
  22. Suggestion: Selecting datafiles
  23. Suggestion: automatic tabs
  24. Suggestion: decimal place
  25. Suggestion: Chanhing filed is preview mode
  26. Bug: german characters aren't displayed correctly
  27. Bug: header for groups
  28. VRW any more news ?
  29. VRW replacing CR?, Comments, Suggestions.
  30. Displaying Report
  31. Could not display Report
  32. PE version?
  33. Visual Report Writer Alpha 2 available for download!
  34. Open workspace dialog
  35. Integration Wizard error
  36. Inserting Picrures out of Database at runtime
  37. Preview
  38. VDF functions
  39. Visual Report Writer Alpha III available for download
  40. Report Expert
  41. vrw III record selection resize
  42. Adding a database after initial creation
  43. Really Happy about the Progress
  44. Q about pdf in Alpha III
  45. Should I wait a day?
  46. Visual Report Writer Alpha III extended
  47. Visual Report Writer Alpha IV available for download
  48. ODBC and Stored procs
  49. CDO-support
  50. VRW WebApp pdf implementation
  51. Getting started with Alpha IV
  52. vrw ALPHA IV. ERROR.
  53. Product Status
  54. VRW VDF 15 Classes
  55. Visual Report Writer Beta I available for download
  56. Supported
  57. Stored Procs and Beta 1
  58. Missing VDFvm14.dll
  59. Standard Tables
  60. sFilterFunction code not generated properly by VRW Wizard
  61. dll third party
  62. Can I start deploying reports in VRW?
  63. Error : ActiveX component may not be properly installed or registered For FUNCTION FIELD
  64. Visual Report Writer Beta II available for download
  65. Contact to discuss SPs
  66. Problem when trying to access the report wizard
  67. Can VRW Do This
  68. Paper size
  69. Visual Report Writer RC I available for download
  70. Problem on Startup of RC1
  71. How will the Licencing Work?
  72. Portuguese language
  73. RC I - License file missing !
  74. Error 4938
  75. Loading Data
  76. Error in exporting to PDF
  77. printing no bitmap
  78. Hungarian character in the name of vrw
  79. Subreport
  80. Connexion error.
  81. Details in multi columns
  82. About the level of Support from Data Access Europe.
  83. VRW Report in WebApp
  84. First field missing in Pervasive Tables
  85. Just can't make it work.
  86. Bug with Filter Expert
  87. Database Expert Question
  88. Missing Database Fields
  89. Vrw api
  90. Parent record issue
  91. Install Problem VRW + Win 7 + VDF 15.1
  92. VRW Licensing
  93. VRW ERRORS with multiple datapaths workspaces
  94. Visual Report Writer Release Candidate II available!
  95. Integration Question...
  96. VRW RCII - can't grab side of field if it overlaps...
  97. Upgrade Policy ?
  98. VRW Design Graduations
  99. Code Generation
  100. Database Expert file arrangement
  101. RC II date filter
  102. Group name fields
  103. Subreports and paging
  104. YAFR -- Yet Another Feature Request
  105. Compound sort.
  106. Functions on groups.
  107. YAFR - Default for New Function
  108. YAFR - Close Tables
  109. YAFR - Format Number
  110. RC II Totals are broken.
  111. RC II Landscape Prints as portrait.
  112. [ VRW - Error when using it with VDF 15.1
  113. Support to another tools
  114. Short Section Names
  115. Lock report design
  116. Vrwapi.ocx and Windows Server 2008 64 Bit
  117. Possible to get the data from an array?
  118. Adding new fields from tables
  119. Some testing
  120. YAFR - Movabe Functions.
  121. a new suggestion?
  122. Please Clarify...
  123. Error 72 and tings
  124. Bug - Missing VRW file causes Crash.
  125. Error: 1, Could not read data ... now what?
  126. Deployment problem
  127. Deployment Problem #2
  128. API & Dates
  129. Deployment Problem #3
  130. Printing Barcode with VRW
  131. Delayed Visual Report Writer RC III
  132. Client SIde Installation.
  133. RTF field in VRW
  134. Connect to MSSQL
  135. Group Summary
  136. New page before and after in selection expert
  137. Syntax error filter function
  138. Release Status Update Request
  139. Visual Report Writer Release Candidate III available!
  140. Stored Procs
  141. First Look -- Rel Cand III Issues
  142. Report Field Formatting Questions
  143. Page of Pages
  144. Show SQL Query
  145. Multi Line Label/Text boxes.
  146. VRW Fails to release File handle, when closed.
  147. VRW RC III and VDF15.1 Integration Question
  148. Table Links problems
  149. Translate into Portuguese
  150. Function field
  151. error in Print Dialog (cPrintDialog.pkg)
  152. YAFR - Use system created summary values in fuctions
  153. Bug: Section Header is Duplicated.
  154. RCIII Integration issue
  155. Error
  156. Text + Field
  157. Mid function
  158. Distribution
  159. VRW Report View issue
  160. Variables in Funnctions
  161. Little integration Wizard bug.
  162. YAFR - CSV output to include field names.
  163. Error message after deploy
  164. RC III Output to preview
  165. Could we have an update on progress please ?
  166. Grouping splits detail sections
  167. Suppressing a subreport
  168. Databse filters.
  169. Blank pages after last page
  170. Setting Report Properties from a "ReportView"
  171. Report Optimizing.
  172. Customizing reports from VDF
  173. Status Panel.
  174. Check database issue
  175. First Attempt with rc iii
  176. Spanish
  177. Translation
  178. Export to PDF
  179. I was able to create a function with no name?
  180. Fill Color Selection
  181. Error after deleting a group
  182. Somehow I managed to create twice a relation?
  183. Again, multiple relations on the same table
  184. Functions across multiple reports?
  185. Filterfunction problem
  186. psFunction
  187. YAFR - Print Date & time at bottom
  188. VRW has encountered a faital error and needs to close.
  189. Screen paint Bug in Report Creation Wizard
  190. Flacky RCIII with external subreports
  191. Check Database issue revisited
  192. Bug? Extra page at end of report.
  193. Problems to activate
  194. YAFR - Sort Function names in Function Editor
  195. Advanced PDF creation for Questionary Overview
  196. Error message when our customer prints the report
  197. Next Release
  198. Error
  199. Group sort expert problem?
  200. Syntax error ???
  201. YAFR - Copy & Paste between open reports.
  202. YAFR - Allow user to set default field formats
  203. YAFR - Autosave
  204. Suggestions/Question
  205. Blank section
  206. Export to PDF problem
  207. Can or will VRW be able to justify (align to both left and right margins)
  208. Released version, problems downloading!
  209. Win7 support for VRW
  210. Visual Report Writer x Crystal Reports
  211. ToOEM Do I have to code it?
  212. Total page count bug?
  213. Selections
  214. "RTL" in Field Properties of Text fields
  215. Wishlist and next steps.
  216. Having trouble Installing VRW 2009
  217. Additional Languages Available
  218. VRW errors
  219. How can I set Reporttitle from within the program?
  220. Page 1 of ... (in spanish).
  221. First Production Report
  222. missing ocx..
  223. Can we use VRW with VDF16 RC ?
  224. SQL Problems
  225. Bitmaps of VRW preview window is gone
  226. Change group field at design time
  227. cInt question
  228. VRW on windows server2008r2-64bit
  229. Installing vrwapi.ocx
  230. User Interface for VRW
  231. ERROR 4104 As below - Help please
  232. Error handler
  233. Documentation error
  234. VRW and WTS
  235. Error 999; Invalid parameter value
  236. Bad report performance when using FilterFunction
  237. Debug available?
  238. New page before in subsection
  239. Portuguese translation error
  240. Status of VRW
  241. Vrw & vdf 16.0
  242. About Monthname function
  243. Function and Arabic Language
  244. Download Problem
  245. Urgent - Selections
  246. Manually Adding Selections
  247. How does VRW integrate with VDF15.1?
  248. Passing parameters to report VRW
  249. Dynamically change table path
  250. Very basic problem