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  1. Re: MS SQL CK "Empty rows" in tables
  2. DateTime Overflow
  3. What Version
  4. Novell Problems
  5. Q: Connecting to a vdf database thru a activex/com control?
  6. Linux CK for Pervasive?
  7. using acs for pervasive.sql
  8. Linux CK for Pervasive?
  9. Error starting application
  10. My from i.d. is not Vdf Guidance
  11. That won't happen again
  12. PVSQL server error trace
  13. PVSQLv8 - server sizing
  14. URI open for Pervasive.SQL
  15. comparing Connx and Flexquaters
  16. P.SQL V8.2 and up v.s. V8.1
  17. RE: My from i.d. is not Vdf Guidance
  18. Visual DataFlex 11.0 Alpha is released!
  19. Re: P.SQL and Firewalls
  20. Re: DB2 and Linux
  21. Re: Connecting to MySQL via ODBC
  22. Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  23. Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  24. Pervasive System Error: 604.0.1453
  25. Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  26. Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  27. Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  28. Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  29. Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
  30. FLEXOLE word8.pkg question
  31. Incestious SQL....
  32. Supress SQLNET.LOG file creation
  33. db-update util for pervasive sql
  35. ODBC_DRV.CFG error:
  36. STSynchronize
  37. Weird bug with trial MSSQL driver
  38. Weird bug with trial MSSQL driver
  39. Error on installa Dataflex Connectivity
  40. MSSQLCK Embedded SQL Command interface instructions and DataFlex commands mix
  41. BTRIEVE: Conflict on some workstations and not others
  42. SQLGetArgument - Help requried
  44. SQLPrepare Arguments ?
  45. Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
  46. Re: Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
  48. Feature request for PSQL CK (date handling)
  49. Missing driver for db2
  52. Newbie Question Flexodbc
  53. Terminal Server Database Server PVSW V8 DFCK2.0 VDF10.1
  54. CK User Count
  55. PSQL V9 + ConnKit v4003 fails if not Administrator
  56. Re: Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
  57. Field names in lowercase with MSSQL
  59. PSQL CK3: URI opens don't work when PSQL security is enabled
  60. PSQL CK3: URI opens don't work when PSQL security is enabled
  61. linking dataflex table to microsoft access
  62. Microsoft SQL Server CK - installation
  63. MSDE
  64. dfpath variable
  65. DF ODBC CK and Reread
  66. MS-SQL Driver Performance
  67. Re: MS-SQL Driver Performance
  68. Status of CK and PVSQL9
  69. Status of CK and PVSQL9
  70. ODBC Issue
  71. MS SQL newbie question
  72. PSQL Connectivity Kit
  73. Oracle Server 9i with VDF 10.1 & CK3.0 Bad Performance
  74. Oracle Server 9i with VDF 10.1 & CK3.0 Bad Performance
  75. PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
  76. Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
  77. Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
  78. Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
  79. How des the connectivity kit's selects work ?
  80. Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
  81. Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
  82. Re: Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
  83. 20572 or vdfvm page fault with VDF11 versus psql8.5
  84. Thin client access to VDF apps
  85. Thin client access to VDF apps
  86. ODBC Connectivity to CppBuilder
  87. Connectivity fails for non Administrators - Connectivity Kit for Crystal v9.0.0.57
  88. VDF11 and Flex2SQL
  89. Pervasive.SQL 9
  90. Permission to add index to SQL table
  91. index / speed problem in MS SQL Server
  92. FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
  93. FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
  94. Maximum numbers of users exceeded Pervasive
  95. PSQL9 CK3 URI open without server name fails
  96. Re: FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
  97. VDF app talking to a mySQL database on the Web
  98. Field Number Out of Range
  99. how to decode a PSQL TIMESTAMP value
  101. Synchronization
  102. MSSQL New User
  103. Updateing Dataflex_Recnum_one
  104. Problems with DF31D/SQL
  105. DF -> PSQL conversion: First reindex?
  106. Auto recover on CLI Communication error
  108. PSQL CK3 trial will expire next Monday
  109. problem with native linux mertech oracle ORA-01019
  110. problem with native linux mertech oracle ORA-01019
  111. Connecting VB6 to dataflex using FlexODBC
  112. Which FILE.DDF does not have the required entry.
  113. how to connect to remote MS SQL server
  114. Pervasive and 2 datapaths
  115. DAW - SQL ! - What's going wrong ? - 4DAW.zip (1/1)
  116. DAW - SQL ! - What's going wrong ? - 4DAW.zip (0/1)
  117. Error 21046
  118. MS SQL errors
  119. OnConstrain in CK (MS SQL)
  120. Attachment is from 'Hot Bar'. Sorry!
  121. How to specify today's date in FlexODBC select statement?
  122. Registration Problem
  123. Vdf11 and Access problems
  124. Crystal 8.5 and CK 2.0 Issue
  125. Cannot access default database
  126. DF ConnKit versus Mertech drivers
  127. How to get the correct type for PSQL "time" and "timestamp" colomns
  128. Specify a date in FlexODBC statement from VB6
  129. MS SQL CK: Getting the data from LARGE columns
  130. How do you do this with SQL code?
  131. Do you allow nulls?
  132. ODBC Connectivity and Acess
  133. ODBC Connectivity and MS Acess
  134. cache file location in database mode
  135. Pervasive.SQL 9
  136. Upgrade from PSQL8 to PSQL9
  137. Upgrade from PSQL8 to PSQL9
  138. DB Builder Wizard question
  139. "use error.pkg" missing in dfbtrdrv.pkg
  140. TEXT Fields
  141. Database mode questions
  142. SQL tables no longer show in Crystal
  143. connection Delphi and Crystal Reports
  144. VDF9 ODBC Connectivity Issue
  145. PSQLv8 - Netware 6.5 Cluster
  146. Pervasive & Novell & Web
  147. Pervasive & Novell & Web
  148. Unistalling MS SQL
  149. DF 2.3b, 2.1h for Btrieve with Pervasive Requester version 9.10?
  150. Unistalling MS SQL
  151. Documentation for Development Kit (DDK) Dataflex API 2.0
  152. Re: Documentation for Development Kit (DDK) Dataflex API 2.0
  153. Computed columns in C-kit
  154. CK 4 Linux
  155. Status 21028 Invalid Record Length DFBTRFILECONVERT
  156. MySQL and ODBC Connectivity Kit Errors
  157. CK to VDF.7
  158. Getting the number of rows returned by MS-SQL
  159. Seeking for advice
  160. Where is the SQL-CK conversion wizard ?
  161. PSQL Restructure BUG
  162. Pervasive PSQL V9 Workgroup for DataFlex - When is a bundle not a bundle?
  163. oraflex
  164. Pervasive PSQL V9 Workgroup for DataFlex - When is a bundle not a bundle?
  165. Senior moment
  166. Pervasive 8 - Duplicate rows?
  167. mySQL and SCO in pact?
  168. We're back on-line; we're OK!
  169. Trigger error
  170. Need to change a file name and want to make sure it will work OK
  171. Trigger error
  172. SQL Table Open Problem
  173. New to Sql
  174. New to Sql
  175. P.SQL CK3 and VDF GUI programs to work on Wide Area Network?
  176. Attn Ben - re that SQL Table problem
  177. Erase Table Data
  178. Q: Howto Drop or remove table.
  179. Q: Howto Drop or remove table.
  180. User and Passoword Pervasive SQL
  181. Recnum support and Load DEF
  182. Disable recnum support
  183. Converting Pervasive SQL to EnterpriseDB (Postgre)
  184. PSQL CK3.0.0.11 - ERROR 24006 ??
  185. Database Mode and User
  186. Database_Mode: Error 24006?
  187. Pervasive Client Cache? And slow performance
  188. Error encountered trying to convert to DB2 8.02 using DB2-CK4
  189. Error encountered trying to convert to DB2 8.02 using DB2-CK4
  190. Q: Triggers P.SQL and Connectivity
  191. DB2 vs DATAFLEX in Performance
  192. DB2 vs DATAFLEX in Performance
  193. ErrorQueue Does NOT work with DB2 (CK2.2)
  194. Structure_start with MSSQL
  195. Q: Got a bit of a problem converting to MSSQL with VDF 11.1
  196. New style 'RowId' drivers with C/M?
  197. Q: Connectivity for Crystal XI
  198. MSSQL CK Install
  199. MSSQL CK Install
  202. Data Conversion problems with MS-SQL CK 4.0
  203. Need consultant to help with 1st-time PSQL/Linux install
  204. Good News! re: DAW's MS-SQL Driver
  205. embedded SQL question
  206. ODBC Connectivity Kit included with 11.1 detecting server indexesimproperly
  207. Happy new year
  208. Error accessing MSSQL table
  209. Need to hit MSSQL what CK to use
  210. Webapp Server talking to MySql on Linux
  211. some backend questions..
  212. installing pervasive connectivety kit kills vdf11.1....
  213. support of bigint (64bit int) in CK (feature request)
  214. MSSQL connect to in-memory table
  215. Permission error: 21094 on Pvsw 2000i
  216. PSQL CK: recnum = 0 after saverecord on clear buffer
  217. Can't initialize user Counting (timeout)
  218. DataFlex DOS with IP connection
  219. Connecting to external Pervasive Database
  220. New agenda topics....
  221. PVSQL install on Netware 6.5sp4 cluster
  222. MYOB Conversion
  224. Speed of constraints. SQL_Filters does not seem to help
  225. DSN/less connection for ODBC
  226. PVSQL 8.7 (sp3) with CK
  227. Error Detection
  228. Updated Connectivity Kits Released
  229. Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
  230. Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
  231. MicrosoftSQL Server 2005 espress edition
  232. Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
  233. PSQL massive slowdown
  234. Pervasive
  235. Heads up - Pervasive and remote desktop
  236. DF3.2 to PSQL data conversion
  237. SQLBindFetchFile & SQLFileFetch not populating parent file buffers?
  238. PSQL V9 Server SP1 & CK 3.0 (Augusti 2005) Can't save
  239. How do we distribute databasechanges to our customers
  240. Q: Converting to MS.SQL with conkit 2.0
  241. Using SQLColumnValue with DATE fields with MSSQL Driver 4.1
  242. DataFlex Program still running
  243. Converting to MS SQL Server
  244. Login to MS Sql Server
  245. Error: 12305 when using "Send SQLSetArgument"
  246. Temp Tables in MSSQL
  247. Difference between ODBC and Connectivity Kit?
  248. Error 22018 Using OnConstrain
  249. OT: Who is logged in MSSQL database?
  250. Error 22018 with Ms SQL database