- Re: MS SQL CK "Empty rows" in tables
- DateTime Overflow
- What Version
- Novell Problems
- Q: Connecting to a vdf database thru a activex/com control?
- Linux CK for Pervasive?
- using acs for pervasive.sql
- Linux CK for Pervasive?
- Error starting application
- My from i.d. is not Vdf Guidance
- That won't happen again
- PVSQL server error trace
- PVSQLv8 - server sizing
- URI open for Pervasive.SQL
- comparing Connx and Flexquaters
- P.SQL V8.2 and up v.s. V8.1
- RE: My from i.d. is not Vdf Guidance
- Visual DataFlex 11.0 Alpha is released!
- Re: P.SQL and Firewalls
- Re: DB2 and Linux
- Re: Connecting to MySQL via ODBC
- Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Pervasive System Error: 604.0.1453
- Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- Re: Files needed for MSSQL driver to work
- FLEXOLE word8.pkg question
- Incestious SQL....
- Supress SQLNET.LOG file creation
- db-update util for pervasive sql
- ODBC_DRV.CFG error:
- STSynchronize
- Weird bug with trial MSSQL driver
- Weird bug with trial MSSQL driver
- Error on installa Dataflex Connectivity
- MSSQLCK Embedded SQL Command interface instructions and DataFlex commands mix
- BTRIEVE: Conflict on some workstations and not others
- SQLGetArgument - Help requried
- SQLPrepare Arguments ?
- Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
- Re: Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
- Feature request for PSQL CK (date handling)
- Missing driver for db2
- Newbie Question Flexodbc
- Terminal Server Database Server PVSW V8 DFCK2.0 VDF10.1
- CK User Count
- PSQL V9 + ConnKit v4003 fails if not Administrator
- Re: Pervasive.SQL Connectivity Kit 3.0 Beta Available for Download!
- Field names in lowercase with MSSQL
- PSQL CK3: URI opens don't work when PSQL security is enabled
- PSQL CK3: URI opens don't work when PSQL security is enabled
- linking dataflex table to microsoft access
- Microsoft SQL Server CK - installation
- dfpath variable
- DF ODBC CK and Reread
- MS-SQL Driver Performance
- Re: MS-SQL Driver Performance
- Status of CK and PVSQL9
- Status of CK and PVSQL9
- ODBC Issue
- MS SQL newbie question
- PSQL Connectivity Kit
- Oracle Server 9i with VDF 10.1 & CK3.0 Bad Performance
- Oracle Server 9i with VDF 10.1 & CK3.0 Bad Performance
- PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
- Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
- Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
- Re: PSQL CK3 trial will expire tomorrow
- How des the connectivity kit's selects work ?
- Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
- Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
- Re: Problems using embedded sql against Pervasive database.
- 20572 or vdfvm page fault with VDF11 versus psql8.5
- Thin client access to VDF apps
- Thin client access to VDF apps
- ODBC Connectivity to CppBuilder
- Connectivity fails for non Administrators - Connectivity Kit for Crystal v9.0.0.57
- VDF11 and Flex2SQL
- Pervasive.SQL 9
- Permission to add index to SQL table
- index / speed problem in MS SQL Server
- FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
- FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
- Maximum numbers of users exceeded Pervasive
- PSQL9 CK3 URI open without server name fails
- Re: FlexODBC version 4 / error 94 Invalid Use of Null
- VDF app talking to a mySQL database on the Web
- Field Number Out of Range
- how to decode a PSQL TIMESTAMP value
- Synchronization
- MSSQL New User
- Updateing Dataflex_Recnum_one
- Problems with DF31D/SQL
- DF -> PSQL conversion: First reindex?
- Auto recover on CLI Communication error
- PSQL CK3 trial will expire next Monday
- problem with native linux mertech oracle ORA-01019
- problem with native linux mertech oracle ORA-01019
- Connecting VB6 to dataflex using FlexODBC
- Which FILE.DDF does not have the required entry.
- how to connect to remote MS SQL server
- Pervasive and 2 datapaths
- DAW - SQL ! - What's going wrong ? - 4DAW.zip (1/1)
- DAW - SQL ! - What's going wrong ? - 4DAW.zip (0/1)
- Error 21046
- MS SQL errors
- OnConstrain in CK (MS SQL)
- Attachment is from 'Hot Bar'. Sorry!
- How to specify today's date in FlexODBC select statement?
- Registration Problem
- Vdf11 and Access problems
- Crystal 8.5 and CK 2.0 Issue
- Cannot access default database
- DF ConnKit versus Mertech drivers
- How to get the correct type for PSQL "time" and "timestamp" colomns
- Specify a date in FlexODBC statement from VB6
- MS SQL CK: Getting the data from LARGE columns
- How do you do this with SQL code?
- Do you allow nulls?
- ODBC Connectivity and Acess
- ODBC Connectivity and MS Acess
- cache file location in database mode
- Pervasive.SQL 9
- Upgrade from PSQL8 to PSQL9
- Upgrade from PSQL8 to PSQL9
- DB Builder Wizard question
- "use error.pkg" missing in dfbtrdrv.pkg
- TEXT Fields
- Database mode questions
- SQL tables no longer show in Crystal
- connection Delphi and Crystal Reports
- VDF9 ODBC Connectivity Issue
- PSQLv8 - Netware 6.5 Cluster
- Pervasive & Novell & Web
- Pervasive & Novell & Web
- Unistalling MS SQL
- DF 2.3b, 2.1h for Btrieve with Pervasive Requester version 9.10?
- Unistalling MS SQL
- Documentation for Development Kit (DDK) Dataflex API 2.0
- Re: Documentation for Development Kit (DDK) Dataflex API 2.0
- Computed columns in C-kit
- CK 4 Linux
- Status 21028 Invalid Record Length DFBTRFILECONVERT
- MySQL and ODBC Connectivity Kit Errors
- CK to VDF.7
- Getting the number of rows returned by MS-SQL
- Seeking for advice
- Where is the SQL-CK conversion wizard ?
- PSQL Restructure BUG
- Pervasive PSQL V9 Workgroup for DataFlex - When is a bundle not a bundle?
- oraflex
- Pervasive PSQL V9 Workgroup for DataFlex - When is a bundle not a bundle?
- Senior moment
- Pervasive 8 - Duplicate rows?
- mySQL and SCO in pact?
- We're back on-line; we're OK!
- Trigger error
- Need to change a file name and want to make sure it will work OK
- Trigger error
- SQL Table Open Problem
- New to Sql
- New to Sql
- P.SQL CK3 and VDF GUI programs to work on Wide Area Network?
- Attn Ben - re that SQL Table problem
- Erase Table Data
- Q: Howto Drop or remove table.
- Q: Howto Drop or remove table.
- User and Passoword Pervasive SQL
- Recnum support and Load DEF
- Disable recnum support
- Converting Pervasive SQL to EnterpriseDB (Postgre)
- PSQL CK3.0.0.11 - ERROR 24006 ??
- Database Mode and User
- Database_Mode: Error 24006?
- Pervasive Client Cache? And slow performance
- Error encountered trying to convert to DB2 8.02 using DB2-CK4
- Error encountered trying to convert to DB2 8.02 using DB2-CK4
- Q: Triggers P.SQL and Connectivity
- DB2 vs DATAFLEX in Performance
- DB2 vs DATAFLEX in Performance
- ErrorQueue Does NOT work with DB2 (CK2.2)
- Structure_start with MSSQL
- Q: Got a bit of a problem converting to MSSQL with VDF 11.1
- New style 'RowId' drivers with C/M?
- Q: Connectivity for Crystal XI
- MSSQL CK Install
- MSSQL CK Install
- Data Conversion problems with MS-SQL CK 4.0
- Need consultant to help with 1st-time PSQL/Linux install
- Good News! re: DAW's MS-SQL Driver
- embedded SQL question
- ODBC Connectivity Kit included with 11.1 detecting server indexesimproperly
- Happy new year
- Error accessing MSSQL table
- Need to hit MSSQL what CK to use
- Webapp Server talking to MySql on Linux
- some backend questions..
- installing pervasive connectivety kit kills vdf11.1....
- support of bigint (64bit int) in CK (feature request)
- MSSQL connect to in-memory table
- Permission error: 21094 on Pvsw 2000i
- PSQL CK: recnum = 0 after saverecord on clear buffer
- Can't initialize user Counting (timeout)
- DataFlex DOS with IP connection
- Connecting to external Pervasive Database
- New agenda topics....
- PVSQL install on Netware 6.5sp4 cluster
- MYOB Conversion
- Speed of constraints. SQL_Filters does not seem to help
- DSN/less connection for ODBC
- PVSQL 8.7 (sp3) with CK
- Error Detection
- Updated Connectivity Kits Released
- Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
- Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
- MicrosoftSQL Server 2005 espress edition
- Re: Updated Connectivity Kits Released
- PSQL massive slowdown
- Pervasive
- Heads up - Pervasive and remote desktop
- DF3.2 to PSQL data conversion
- SQLBindFetchFile & SQLFileFetch not populating parent file buffers?
- PSQL V9 Server SP1 & CK 3.0 (Augusti 2005) Can't save
- How do we distribute databasechanges to our customers
- Q: Converting to MS.SQL with conkit 2.0
- Using SQLColumnValue with DATE fields with MSSQL Driver 4.1
- DataFlex Program still running
- Converting to MS SQL Server
- Login to MS Sql Server
- Error: 12305 when using "Send SQLSetArgument"
- Temp Tables in MSSQL
- Difference between ODBC and Connectivity Kit?
- Error 22018 Using OnConstrain
- OT: Who is logged in MSSQL database?
- Error 22018 with Ms SQL database