- dos 3.1b luser count upgrade verification
- DISD 2005
- .Dat file format for dataflex 3.2b
- report
- Report
- Error 101 and 102 when compiling
- Re: .Dat file format for dataflex 3.2b
- Report Writing
- Signal 11 received
- DF 2.3b
- Dropped record... DF 3.2
- GSW Telnet - Viewing a PDF document
- DFsort
- User Count Problem
- RE: User Count Problem
- Linux Terminal Server accessing Pervasive database
- RE: User Count Problem
- Multi-segment relationships
- Multi-segment relationships
- Re: Multi-segment relationships
- DFAUTO with DD Support in DF3.2
- SUSE Linux and DF 3.2
- KEYPROC Problem
- Forcing condensed mode in dfquery for 2.3b
- Seeking info re: Career Technologies, Inc. (circa late 1980s)
- Status 75 Can't open data file
- Multiple Databases Text_window?
- STATUS 30 - Can't Read Configuration File
- Data File structure question
- VDF 9.1 on Netware 6.5
- dataflex in graphical mode
- DF3.2 console mode, Citrix and printing
- using 2 temporary files
- OFF TOPIC: DOS Printing (another solution)...
- Name that Procedure
- Notepad vs Wordpad
- DF3.0 vs DF3.1+
- Freight Rating & Logistics Data
- Character conversion and .ti files
- W2K Function Keys not working in DF31D Application?
- W2K Pro - Funtion Keys not working in DF31D ?
- Idle timer
- DF3.2 Linux updated dfq?
- Help running CLEANUP on DF31D on W2K
- PDA - 3.1D
- Re: Running Dataflex on a MAC
- Embedded "zero" characters (characters where ascii(char) = 0)
- @ symbol in images
- Creating users
- Novell Open Enterprise Server (NOES)
- Simple programming not working
- Calling a VDF WebService from a 3.2 Console Mode program
- Windows 2003
- Can anybody "Undelete" records in a Native DF File?
- Status 87. No Superfind Path to This Record.
- Status 87. No Superfind Path to This Record.
- Anybody on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
- Runprogram on Red Hat Linux
- Synergy 2005 - Cutting-Edge Technical Sessions, Free Training, Great Company!
- Unix Timestamp? SCO 5.0.7
- Northeast USA DataFlex Users Group Forming
- No Decimal Places in Calculation
- Re: No decimal places in calculation
- Re: Unix Timestamp? SCO 5.0.7 - timestamp.pkg (1/1)
- homecard.pdf
- Re: No decimal places in calculation
- HOw long can a line of code be?
- (v)dfquery
- Ticks
- Re: arrays
- ESC sequences and Dataflex
- What happened to the debugger?
- Issues with recent Windows Updates?
- Unrelated Database & Tables
- Color of A Message
- Runtime overlay error
- Searching multiple fields for a report
- Off-Topic Question - Newsgroup Reader
- Calling Dll from order entry program running DF 3.1 console mode
- How do I dirty a buffer in CM OOPs
- Printer filters
- Revision Variable (!@) Problem
- New COMMANDS for DF3.2
- Check to see if COMMAND already exist?
- File_Mode & Chain Wait
- Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
- DF32. Printing to Windows Printer
- detecting dfruncon or dfrun
- RE: Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
- Re: Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
- DF 3.2 and buffering to a port
- DF 3.1d locking
- DF32 on a 64bit environment
- user counting problems
- user counting problems
- How see locked files
- DF 3.1 for DOS on Falcon 310
- Migrating from Dataflex 2.3b on SCO Unix to Dataflex 3.2 on Linux PROBLEM WITH: DIRECTOUTPUT "CON:"
- Novell: Cannot read DataFlex User Count Lock File
- Fax software to use with runprogram
- ' amd " don't work on XP
- ' amd " don't work on XP
- Sort Command
- df3.1d memory
- HowTo use VDF DD's in 3.2 code
- Re: df3.1d memory
- FORMAT Command with IF Statement does not work?
- Adding a "French version" is easy with Dataflex because ...
- W2003 DFFILE mouse and keyboard faillures
- Minimalizing DF 3.1
- switch statements
- PAGECHECK with Multiple output Channels
- Editor Recommendations
- DFREAD for DF31/DF32?
- Is it possible to ignore an error in a transaction (df3.2 CM)
- Exclusive lock on file Hanging system?
- List Installed Windows Printers
- Northeast Migration Event 2005 - Open Bookings Now!
- Get Current ScreenMode?
- DF3.2/3.1d Apps run slow with XP Pro Wkstns
- text size georgia soft mobile 2003
- text size georgia soft mobile 2003
- PostgreSQL and Console Mode
- Text_Window Garbage
- incorrect handling of lowest possible int value in df 3.x, please fix this bug
- basic report, console mode, MS Line draw error
- New AUTOGEN with DD Support
- where is everybody
- where is everybody
- Structures in df
- System File w/ 2nd record
- reading XML
- Re: reading XML
- Trap Errors in Character Mode OOPs
- abort_transaction behaviour in 3.2 vs. VDF
- abort/system clears screen
- Screen Capture ?
- NOD32 Antivirus issues?
- CEntOS
- Print-Copy on different tray
- getting HTTP 404 when trying WebApp Examples
- Printing PDFs from 3.2 - any ideas
- Don Keller and family OK.
- Console mode slowing down. Running out of memory?
- OT: Printing Existing PDFs..
- Printing Barcodes Via OKI 390 Printer From DF32
- Status 90: What is it anyway?
- DF2.3 (without the 'b') ??
- DF2.3b W2000server-W2003server migration
- MultiEdit setup for character mode DataFlex
- Database Explorer Question.
- testing
- Northeast Migration Event Post Press Release
- df 3.2 rows in console
- HTTP Request from DataFlex 4 Linux
- Accepting 'Hidden' Password Characters
- Send and receive messages over TCP/IP connection
- Linecount and output_wrap
- Date Problems with Character Mode DF
- Dataflex 3.2 Linux Using ODBC
- Dfquery
- Dfquery
- Selecting records based on multible values in similar fields
- Dfquery function key for win2000 client
- Old database, modern access
- Test - Please Ignore
- Move from SCO 3.1d -> VDF
- Page Breaks in Text_windows?
- Printing Barcodes To Generic Laser Printers From CF Dataflex
- 3.2 weirdness
- entergroup
- hp laserjet 1200 and compressed text
- Vinga TTS Utility
- Setting DataFlex Files as server-atomic in ofder to take advantage of TTS?
- Constrained datasets
- Java Reporting - JasperReports
- Automated Tools for Linux Dataflex?
- ODBC & 3.1D
- ODBC & 3.1D
- Re: ODBC & 3.1D
- Importing data into Dataflex 2.3b database
- DF31C Paths
- Outputting Nul's to a file from a form
- DF3.2 for Linux problem
- DF 2.3b registration number
- Re: XP and DFRUNCON Blows Out.
- where can I found DFQ for 3.1 to use with DFRUNCON?
- Masking Input
- overloading
- Status Code 31
- DOS Graphics no longer working ( convert program to read SqlServer).
- Error Logs - Do They Exist
- DF2.3b and Win XP
- DFFILE: client atomic vs. server atomic
- Cannot read user count .dfr
- Make_File while users on system with v3.1d
- Error # 518
- Dataflex 2.3B Print Config
- What do people use for News Readers
- Re-indexing and removing duplicates
- Incremental database checks
- Converting V2.3 database to CSV-File???
- Re: Converting V2.3 database to CSV-File???
- Deleted Records
- Trouble printing to hp4 laser
- How to make Page Check work.
- DF 2.3 Information - Books
- Error 199 Maximun number of commands exceeded! ON LINE:5001
- Linux File Locking
- Linux File Locking
- DFSORT command has stopped working recently (DF3.1)
- Just Recently DFSORT command stopped working (DF3.1)
- Array sorting
- VD7
- Calling a VDF WebService from a DF32 CM program
- DfConfig - End of Line
- Crystal reports connecting to a Dataflex system HELP!
- Generic file export utility
- Copy_DB Problem
- 3.1c minimum programs to run the Dataflex environment
- Test
- RC4 Encryption with Base64 encoding/decoding for DataFlex 3.01/3.2
- DataFlex Developer Opening in Indianapolis, IN
- File Dialog
- SCO 6 - Tuning Advice
- Launch Windows App from DF for Linux
- Dataflex Ver 3.05 Server Edition
- Problem with cron and DF 3.1
- Data import 2.3b
- Dataflex Manual Programming
- Linux server reboot suddenly with DF31
- Missing .HDR
- Novell connection number
- enter.postsave?
- DataDictionary question
- Re: Dataflex Manual Programming
- XP killed my DataFlex
- Refreshing Table List Data
- Dataflex on Mac hardware
- FlexQL
- changed system date and renewed: stop cron jobs
- can't use dataflex 3.1 in winxp
- Indexes getting very large
- DFR problem with an old Server
- DFRUN crashes during printing
- URGENT!!! Old server with 24 users now only 4