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  1. dos 3.1b luser count upgrade verification
  2. DISD 2005
  3. .Dat file format for dataflex 3.2b
  4. report
  5. Report
  6. Error 101 and 102 when compiling
  7. Re: .Dat file format for dataflex 3.2b
  8. Report Writing
  10. Signal 11 received
  11. DF 2.3b
  12. Dropped record... DF 3.2
  13. GSW Telnet - Viewing a PDF document
  14. DFsort
  15. User Count Problem
  16. RE: User Count Problem
  17. Linux Terminal Server accessing Pervasive database
  18. RE: User Count Problem
  19. Multi-segment relationships
  20. Multi-segment relationships
  21. Re: Multi-segment relationships
  22. DFAUTO with DD Support in DF3.2
  23. SUSE Linux and DF 3.2
  24. KEYPROC Problem
  25. Forcing condensed mode in dfquery for 2.3b
  26. Seeking info re: Career Technologies, Inc. (circa late 1980s)
  27. Status 75 Can't open data file
  28. Multiple Databases Text_window?
  29. STATUS 30 - Can't Read Configuration File
  30. Data File structure question
  31. VDF 9.1 on Netware 6.5
  32. dataflex in graphical mode
  33. DF3.2 console mode, Citrix and printing
  34. using 2 temporary files
  35. OFF TOPIC: DOS Printing (another solution)...
  36. Name that Procedure
  37. Notepad vs Wordpad
  38. DF3.0 vs DF3.1+
  39. Freight Rating & Logistics Data
  40. Character conversion and .ti files
  41. W2K Function Keys not working in DF31D Application?
  42. W2K Pro - Funtion Keys not working in DF31D ?
  43. Idle timer
  44. DF3.2 Linux updated dfq?
  45. Help running CLEANUP on DF31D on W2K
  46. PDA - 3.1D
  47. Re: Running Dataflex on a MAC
  48. Embedded "zero" characters (characters where ascii(char) = 0)
  49. @ symbol in images
  50. Creating users
  51. Novell Open Enterprise Server (NOES)
  52. Simple programming not working
  53. Calling a VDF WebService from a 3.2 Console Mode program
  54. Windows 2003
  55. Can anybody "Undelete" records in a Native DF File?
  56. Status 87. No Superfind Path to This Record.
  57. Status 87. No Superfind Path to This Record.
  58. Anybody on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
  59. Runprogram on Red Hat Linux
  60. Synergy 2005 - Cutting-Edge Technical Sessions, Free Training, Great Company!
  61. Unix Timestamp? SCO 5.0.7
  62. Northeast USA DataFlex Users Group Forming
  63. No Decimal Places in Calculation
  64. Re: No decimal places in calculation
  65. Re: Unix Timestamp? SCO 5.0.7 - timestamp.pkg (1/1)
  66. homecard.pdf
  67. Re: No decimal places in calculation
  68. HOw long can a line of code be?
  70. (v)dfquery
  71. Ticks
  72. Re: arrays
  73. ESC sequences and Dataflex
  74. What happened to the debugger?
  75. Issues with recent Windows Updates?
  76. Unrelated Database & Tables
  77. Color of A Message
  78. Runtime overlay error
  79. Searching multiple fields for a report
  80. Off-Topic Question - Newsgroup Reader
  81. Calling Dll from order entry program running DF 3.1 console mode
  82. How do I dirty a buffer in CM OOPs
  83. Printer filters
  84. Revision Variable (!@) Problem
  85. New COMMANDS for DF3.2
  86. Check to see if COMMAND already exist?
  87. File_Mode & Chain Wait
  88. Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
  89. DF32. Printing to Windows Printer
  90. detecting dfruncon or dfrun
  91. RE: Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
  92. Re: Running dos dataflex on XP workstation
  93. DF 3.2 and buffering to a port
  94. DF 3.1d locking
  95. DF32 on a 64bit environment
  96. user counting problems
  97. user counting problems
  98. How see locked files
  99. DF 3.1 for DOS on Falcon 310
  100. Migrating from Dataflex 2.3b on SCO Unix to Dataflex 3.2 on Linux PROBLEM WITH: DIRECTOUTPUT "CON:"
  101. Novell: Cannot read DataFlex User Count Lock File
  102. Fax software to use with runprogram
  103. ' amd " don't work on XP
  104. ' amd " don't work on XP
  105. Sort Command
  106. df3.1d memory
  107. HowTo use VDF DD's in 3.2 code
  108. Re: df3.1d memory
  109. FORMAT Command with IF Statement does not work?
  110. Adding a "French version" is easy with Dataflex because ...
  111. W2003 DFFILE mouse and keyboard faillures
  112. Minimalizing DF 3.1
  113. switch statements
  114. PAGECHECK with Multiple output Channels
  115. Editor Recommendations
  116. DFREAD for DF31/DF32?
  117. Is it possible to ignore an error in a transaction (df3.2 CM)
  118. Exclusive lock on file Hanging system?
  119. List Installed Windows Printers
  120. Northeast Migration Event 2005 - Open Bookings Now!
  121. Get Current ScreenMode?
  122. DF3.2/3.1d Apps run slow with XP Pro Wkstns
  123. text size georgia soft mobile 2003
  124. text size georgia soft mobile 2003
  125. PostgreSQL and Console Mode
  126. Text_Window Garbage
  127. incorrect handling of lowest possible int value in df 3.x, please fix this bug
  128. basic report, console mode, MS Line draw error
  129. New AUTOGEN with DD Support
  130. where is everybody
  131. where is everybody
  132. Structures in df
  133. System File w/ 2nd record
  134. reading XML
  135. Re: reading XML
  136. Trap Errors in Character Mode OOPs
  137. abort_transaction behaviour in 3.2 vs. VDF
  138. abort/system clears screen
  139. Screen Capture ?
  140. NOD32 Antivirus issues?
  141. CEntOS
  142. Print-Copy on different tray
  143. getting HTTP 404 when trying WebApp Examples
  144. Printing PDFs from 3.2 - any ideas
  145. Don Keller and family OK.
  146. Console mode slowing down. Running out of memory?
  147. OT: Printing Existing PDFs..
  148. Printing Barcodes Via OKI 390 Printer From DF32
  149. Status 90: What is it anyway?
  150. DF2.3 (without the 'b') ??
  151. DF2.3b W2000server-W2003server migration
  152. MultiEdit setup for character mode DataFlex
  153. Database Explorer Question.
  154. testing
  155. Northeast Migration Event Post Press Release
  156. df 3.2 rows in console
  157. HTTP Request from DataFlex 4 Linux
  158. Accepting 'Hidden' Password Characters
  159. Send and receive messages over TCP/IP connection
  160. Linecount and output_wrap
  161. Date Problems with Character Mode DF
  162. Dataflex 3.2 Linux Using ODBC
  163. Dfquery
  164. Dfquery
  165. Selecting records based on multible values in similar fields
  166. Dfquery function key for win2000 client
  167. Old database, modern access
  168. Test - Please Ignore
  169. Move from SCO 3.1d -> VDF
  170. Page Breaks in Text_windows?
  171. Printing Barcodes To Generic Laser Printers From CF Dataflex
  172. CREATE_FIELD Bug in DF3.1D
  173. 3.2 weirdness
  174. entergroup
  175. hp laserjet 1200 and compressed text
  176. Vinga TTS Utility
  177. Setting DataFlex Files as server-atomic in ofder to take advantage of TTS?
  178. Constrained datasets
  179. Java Reporting - JasperReports
  180. Automated Tools for Linux Dataflex?
  181. ODBC & 3.1D
  182. ODBC & 3.1D
  183. Re: ODBC & 3.1D
  185. Importing data into Dataflex 2.3b database
  186. DF31C Paths
  187. Outputting Nul's to a file from a form
  188. DF3.2 for Linux problem
  189. DF 2.3b registration number
  190. Re: XP and DFRUNCON Blows Out.
  191. where can I found DFQ for 3.1 to use with DFRUNCON?
  192. Masking Input
  193. overloading
  194. Status Code 31
  195. DOS Graphics no longer working ( convert program to read SqlServer).
  196. Error Logs - Do They Exist
  197. DF2.3b and Win XP
  198. DFFILE: client atomic vs. server atomic
  199. Cannot read user count .dfr
  200. Make_File while users on system with v3.1d
  201. Error # 518
  202. Dataflex 2.3B Print Config
  203. What do people use for News Readers
  204. Re-indexing and removing duplicates
  205. Incremental database checks
  206. Converting V2.3 database to CSV-File???
  207. Re: Converting V2.3 database to CSV-File???
  208. Deleted Records
  209. Trouble printing to hp4 laser
  210. How to make Page Check work.
  211. DF 2.3 Information - Books
  212. Error 199 Maximun number of commands exceeded! ON LINE:5001
  213. Linux File Locking
  214. Linux File Locking
  215. DFSORT command has stopped working recently (DF3.1)
  216. Just Recently DFSORT command stopped working (DF3.1)
  217. Array sorting
  218. VD7
  219. Calling a VDF WebService from a DF32 CM program
  220. DfConfig - End of Line
  221. Crystal reports connecting to a Dataflex system HELP!
  222. Generic file export utility
  223. Copy_DB Problem
  224. 3.1c minimum programs to run the Dataflex environment
  225. Test
  226. RC4 Encryption with Base64 encoding/decoding for DataFlex 3.01/3.2
  227. DataFlex Developer Opening in Indianapolis, IN
  228. File Dialog
  229. SCO 6 - Tuning Advice
  230. Launch Windows App from DF for Linux
  231. Dataflex Ver 3.05 Server Edition
  232. Problem with cron and DF 3.1
  233. Data import 2.3b
  234. Dataflex Manual Programming
  235. Linux server reboot suddenly with DF31
  236. Missing .HDR
  237. Novell connection number
  238. enter.postsave?
  239. DataDictionary question
  240. Re: Dataflex Manual Programming
  241. XP killed my DataFlex
  242. Refreshing Table List Data
  243. Dataflex on Mac hardware
  244. FlexQL
  245. changed system date and renewed: stop cron jobs
  246. can't use dataflex 3.1 in winxp
  247. Indexes getting very large
  248. DFR problem with an old Server
  249. DFRUN crashes during printing
  250. URGENT!!! Old server with 24 users now only 4